A Message from the Salida Cyclones Board of Directors

Welcome to the Salida Cyclones! We are glad to have you as part of this exciting team. The Salida Cyclones Board of Directors will be handling finances, fundraising, meet management, communications and social functions. The Board also performs various duties in union with the Head Coach. In order to govern effectively, the Board must require commitment by every parent and swimmer on the team. Anyone neglecting to complete his or her commitment to the team effort forces the burden to be carried by someone else.


The Board consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Members. Non-voting members of the Board may include Head Coach, Assistant Coach(s) and Parent Representatives. You may contact any Board Member for questions or concerns. The team email is [email protected]. The dedicated treasurer email is [email protected]



 Dave Brown

 Board President / Official

 Email: [email protected][email protected]

 Phone: 314.503.7065

 Erik Lang

 Vice President

 Email: [email protected]

 Scott Sandell


 Email: [email protected][email protected]

 Phone: 970.218.3064

 Sam Epperson


 Email: [email protected][email protected]

 Phone: 303.886.1075

 Jessica Chariton


 Email: [email protected]

 Jennie Foyle


 Email: [email protected]

 Sue Shin


 Email:  [email protected]



 Dave Brown

 Jen Brown

 Tracey Hill

 Scott Sandell


 Michelle Walker

 Mark Wiard

 Ottis Shin

 Jaesa Embry

 Ember Hill





 John Witherspoon


 Jenna Klugh-Davis

 Website & Social Media

 Lincoln Davis

 Logo & Merch Design

 Mary Sandell

 Social Media