Mission Statement

The Salida Cyclones are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for young swimmers to grow and develop their skills. We strive to stay current with the latest techniques and trends in the sport of swimming while emphasizing proper technique and good sportsmanship. Our team welcomes swimmers of all skill levels. We are dedicated to fostering a love of swimming that will last a lifetime.

The Cyclones are committed to creating and fostering an environment in which each individual will reach their potential, both in and out of the water. To do this, the Cyclones shall:
  • Create a Swimming Community.

  • Provide swimmers with professional coaching.

  • Create an environment of open communication.

  • Challenge the athlete as they progress to the highest level they wish to attain.

  • Value each individual’s contribution to the team.

  • Develop life skills.

  • Maintain positive attitudes and mutual respect for coaches, teammates, and competitors.