Information for high school swimmers

Rod Snyder

In preparation for the High School competition season, official opening Feb. 17. through May 4 (CIF Champs) or May 11 (State Champs)... 


Parents and Athletes should NOT go into their USA Swimming account to change their membership to UNAT for the high school season. This process can be dealt with when submitting the club meet entries or prior to swimming in the club meet with the Admin of a specific club meet.


High School Unattached is a separate issue only for CIF State Sections, including Southern Section (CIF-SS), CIF LA City, and CIF Central Section.


Once a club swimmer starts high school season, the day of their first high school meet, the swimmer must enter club meets as UNAT.  When club coaches send in their electronic team entry for a meet, on the email they need to make a request to the Admin to make the following swimmers high school unattached. 


Club coaches may also email in a list of their high school UNAT swimmers to the SCS office.


Meet Admins, at club meets, will have a form at their Admin table, for high school swimmers to sign in to make sure they are UNAT at the meet and in the results. 


It is the swimmer's responsibility to go to the Admin table to sign in on the High School Unattached clipboard.


The two Championship meets where a high school swimmer may be attached to the club, during high school season, are Spring CA-NV Sectionals (Carlsbad) and the SCS 14/Un Spring Age Group Championship (Rose Bowl, old name for JOs).