Competitive swimming has grown over the years and so has our need for great volunteers to make our sport what it is today.  Virtually everyone on and around the pool deck at swim meets (except coaches) are an unpaid volunteer to make swim meets run as they do.  Without that effort, we could assure your athletes their times to qualify to greater opportunities for all the hard work they put in in practice each week.


As Colorado Swimming and USA Swimming Officials
We Will Provide Fair and Fun competitions
We Will Provide Consistent Impartial Observations
We Will Provide Integrity to our positions
We Will Be Leaders in the Swimming Community
We Will Be Advocates for Coaches and Athletes
We Will Be Learners and Agents of Change
We Will Be Aware of our Humaness
  • There are many ways to enjoy and participate in your swimmer's activities in the pool.  You can take a seat in the stands
    •  you can volunteer as one of the meet's timers (available at club hosted meets and state meets)
    • assist as hospitality host, safety marshal, computer operator, etc. (contact your club for more information about these positions)
    • You can volunteer on the board of directors for Colorado Swimming.  (many positions are available, contact [email protected] for more information)
    • you can volunteer as a USA Swimming Official (Becoming an Official).
      • Unlike other sports such as soccer, football, and baseball, where Officials are paid by the sponsoring organizations, the officiating staff at swim meets is composed entirely of volunteers.  Many of the Officials on deck have kids swimming in the meet yet many others do not.  Most officials work only when their athletes are swimming in a session or meet.  Other people volunteer their time because they enjoy the sport and it's a way of showing support for the swimming community.
      • It takes a minimum of 8-10 Officials at each session to efficiently conduct a swim meet and (to not overlook the staff supporting the meet)  that is why growing our number of officials is so important.  Without a minimum number of Officials on the deck, a swim meet is simply an exhibition event and the times obtained by the swimmers will not count.  We've been extremely fortunate that this situation only happens on rare occasions, however, there's no guarantee it won't occur more in the future if we don't have enough Officials to observe at meets.
      • As the old Uncle Sam poster used to say, 
If you feel so inclined, please go to the Becoming an Official tab and sign up.  Or at any swim meet approach, one of the officials in a white shirt and they can direct you to the appropriate pathway to start your journey in support of athletes in Colorado Swimming.  
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