Our Vision and Mission Statements

As a YMCA swim club, we strive to embody the values and principles expressed in our parent organization’s mission and vision statements. They are as follows:

YMCA Vision: We build strong kids, strong families, strong communities.

YMCA Mission: We are dedicated to enhancing the spirit, mind, and body of all persons through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.

FMY Gators Swim Team Mission Statement

To instill a lifelong passion for swimming and to build a program of excellence in training andcoaching, team unity, character development, and family and community support where all swimmers can achieve their full potential in a safe and supportive environment and compete at their highest level.


Registration for the FM Gators takes place in three places. 

1) Please contact the Fercho YMCA to get registered for the current season. Make sure that you are registering for the correct group and the session that you want. If you have questions about what group your child should be in or would like to schedule a stoke evaluation, please contact Head Coach Erich Richardson

2) You need to make sure that you have registered through our Team Website, www.fmgators.com. This is how all of our team communication and meet registrations will occur.


3) Next, you need to make sure that you are registered for USA Swimming. This is a yearly membership/fee that is required for all USA Swimmers. Go to www.usaswimming.org to complete this reigstration. 


FM Gators Team By-Laws