The FM Gator Swim Team  offers training and practice groups for swimmers of all ages and ability levels. It is the goal of the Gators here to offer age specific training for all of our athletes geared towards challenging each individual and developing each individual to the best of THEIR abilities.

Please call Head Coach Erich Richardson at 701-364-4151 to schedule a swim assessment, or Click Here to send Coach Erich an email request for more information.


Developmental Group

This is our entry level group. An athlete needs to be able to complete a 25 yard freestyle in order to enter this group. The kids in this group are expected to practice 3 times per week.

Developmental Group Coach: Varies


Age Group 1

From the Developmental group, athletes move into this group. The kids need to compete in all home meets and swim under 2:00.00 in the 100 IM and be able to do 10 x 25 @ 1:00 comfortably. Kids are expected to attend 3-4 practices per week.

Age Group 2

From Age Group 1, athletes move into this group. Athletes in this group are expected to compete in all home swim meets and go to 3-4 practices per week.


Senior 1 Group

To be allowed into our Senior Group, a Swimmer needs to be faster than a 2:55.00 in the 200 IM. A swimmer also needs to be able to complete 10 x 100 @ 1:30 comfortably. As well as complete the 400 IM in a meet with legal strokes. 

Senior 2 Group

This group is specifically designed for our Sectionals and National Qualifiers. Before admission into this group, an athlete needs to qualify for one of these meets. Other requirements: Complete 10 x 100 @ 1:20, attendance to all available practices required.