
Tom Shackel


EKI Last weekend we had our summer prep meet, at EKI focusing on getting athletes qualified and ready for Summer Provincials. Congratulations to Abby Williams who is our latest qualifier for Summer Provincials swimming a big PB in the 400FR to go under the 20th standard in that event. A huge well done to everyone on their FAST! Racing! In the finals sessions we saw some great racing the medal highlights are: Rhys - 3rd 100 Breast and 2nd 200 IM Greta - 1st 800FR! And 3rd 400 IM Ethan...

Alex Pasemko

Myself and Sage were in Lethbridge this last weekend for Summer Festivals. It’s a qualifying meet for 11 and under athletes in Southern Alberta. Sage qualified in her 50 BR. She swam 7 events over the weekend and with that she had 3 big best times, and placing 12th in her 100FR taking off 16 seconds! She may have been the only Riptides athlete there but we had such a great time swimming fast and watching fast swimming. In novice we will aim to reach these festival time standards for...

Alex Pasemko

The last swim meet for a lot of our Riptides athletes has come and gone. Radium was a huge success to say the least! We brought a team of 42 athletes over the weekend, the most the club has ever brought to an event, even outside our home meets. We were blessed with nice warm weather, a few sun burns and a lot of smiles. Coach Kim and I were so pleased will all the swimming we watched. We have handfuls of best times and first swims. My favorite event...

Tom Shackel


Riptides competed at CSI this past weekend, with some great results, highlighted by Benedek Purnhauser getting to swim in the marquee 50FR on the Sunday evening. On our journey to Summer Provincials, we challenged ourselves to “race different” and test our preparation and planning 8 weeks out from our Championship meet. We saw some great success in our racing, working through planning and any hiccups that came along the way. We had medal place finishes for Greta, Ethan and Rhys. With a few more club records going down on our...

Tom Shackel

Fun racing at the weekend in Cochrane, some chances for a lot of athletes to show their improvement racing SC for the first time in a few months, it really does just go to show how far they can come in just a few months of hard work! Well, done to everyone I really enjoyed watching the 12U race and see their own improvements, I will keep pushing them to focus on the process of their racing, they are getting much better at that so well done to everyone. We...

Tom Shackel

Medicine Hat Team Travel Super weekend, long as always but we had great racing, great fun and lots of memories. I was so pleased to take a much larger group out to the meet, they all showed up. I am very proud to have received a number of compliments from Meet staff, parents and volunteers on how well we behaved, supported our teammates and others. This is what we are trying to cultivate, a sense of belonging to a team that we are proud of. Well done swimmers. Club Records:...

Alex Pasemko

What a great weekend in Airdrie! We had 15 athletes participate in the meet, and for 3 it was their very first meet. Great work to Maya, Noa and Heidi who crushed their first meet. Lots of smiles for everyone. I wanted to also thank the few parents I saw volunteering as well. Brad and Erika thank you for your time! If there was anyone else that was volunteering, and I didn’t see thank you. Maya, Cary and Heidi taking in the top 3 spots in their 25 back. Max,...

Alex Pasemko

We had a great last home meet on MArch 16. We were fortunate to have the White group join us on the weekend of fast racing, as well as our older Red and Gold athletes volunteering. Thank you to everyone who made it such a great success! Some outstanding swims: Hope Taking 10 seconds off her 50FR, under 1 min now! Sage so close to achieving her 100BR Festival time Max going under 2 min in his 100IM Emma taking a whopping 11.5 seconds off her 100IM Everyone had their...

Tom Shackel

The Riptides took 4 athletes up to Edmonton’s Kinsmen Centre for Provincial Trials this past weekend, in what amounted to a super fun weekend with great vibes and swimming throughout! Congratulations to Sydney, Luna, Alison and Len on their qualification and results throughout the meet. Attitude and effort from athletes was great, Provincial Trials is always a great chance for athletes to test themselves in a really fun format. Since returning the “win and in” for finals, it has seen some great evening racing where athletes try to qualify for...

Alex Pasemko

What a weekend at Pugsley Plunge, to say the least I think we were all on our toes with the emergencies, and last-minute changes. Thank you to the swimmers and families for being understanding and flexible this weekend! We had a great weekend otherwise in the beautiful YMCA pool in Calgary, for some it was a new pool to compete in and some to visit. All athletes swam strong over the weekend, we had many PB’s, medal and qualifying times for Provincial Trials and Championships! Congratulations to Luna for grabbing...