The LASC competitive groups follow a structured path that takes swimmers from the novice level through to high school provincial and national levels.  Each group is based on an 12–24 month progression which increases the frequency of training and duration as the swimmers mature and improve.  You can view the groups as a Teeter Totterwith Teaching on one side and Training on the other.  In Olympic Way the Teeter Totter is balanced to the Teaching side, as swimmers progress from group to group the balance shifts towards Training side. Not every child progresses at the same rate, and we recognize that when we recommend group placement.  If you have questions about your swimmers group placement, please contact their group coach or Head Coach Peter Schori. 


National - Head Coach Peter Schori

  • This group is the final step in LASC age group development. This group is focused on competing at the Canadian Junior and Senior National level. Swimmers are expected to be committed to these goals.
  • 14+ swim meets per year with domestic travel and training camp opportunities.
  •  6-8 practices per week
  • Performance and commitment level required.

Junior National - Lead Coach Steven Maychak

  • Swimmers continue transition towards a training-based program.
  • Up to 6 practices per week
  • Swimmers may compete at 10+ meets per year including out of province with a focus on Alberta Provincials
  • Primary ages 12-14

Provincial - Lead Coach Owen Guyn 

  • This group is where the Teeter-Totter balances and the focus spreads equally across teaching to training.
  • Swimmers compete at 10+ meets per year working towards competing at Alberta Championships
  • 5 practices per week
  • Primary ages 10-12

Olympic Way - Co-Lead Coach Chris Alexander & Co-Lead Coach Kaila Primrose

  • Progression from Jr. Horns and development of more advanced stroke technique, diving and turns.
  • 8+ swim meets per year, with an introduction primarily through home competitions.
  • 3-4 practices per week
  • Primary ages 8-11

Jr Horns - Lead Coach Makena Wood

  • Pre-competitive introductory program with 12 week fall, winter and spring sessions
  • LASC Friday Night race events 4-5x year showcase improvements and introduce racing!
  • 2 practices per week
  • Primary ages 5-10