
COLLEGE SWIMMING- Important Timelines

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College Recruiting for Paseo Aquatics Swimmers

We recognize that the athlete can find the recruiting or selection process challenging. There is a lot to navigate when finding a College / University that will fulfill you needs. 

For the Parents: 

This process is just as challenging for you parents and you will need to play a role in it. Helping your child or steering you child in a positive direction. Your own personal finances will play a role in this process as well. Only you know this info. Lots of this needs to be thought out before any financial aid comes from the College whether it be Academics, Sports or both. Money is not always guaranteed. We suggest to start getting in touch with universities early on. Your Junior year of High School is a great time to start.

Your athlete may be dead set on a few colleges however they may find that this direction is not happening. It can be overwhelming. This is why starting early is so important. We are dealing with young adults and keeping the communication open is critical to the success. Have them list their priorities about where the want to attend school. Sometimes, the schools majors might not meet the needs of your athletes.

Leverage the college coaching staff as much as possible. Build a small relationship early as stated. They are going to know what money is available, they also know coaches at other universities that might be looking for an athlete like yours. Follow their leads and be flexible. It can all work out into that one big picture if the cards are well played  

For the Athletes:

There is a lot to think about here. Where do you want to go? Where would you like to swim? How does it all come together? Just those three questions are overwhelming and can easily absorb you. Start with the basics:

• Do you want to go to a big school         

• Do you want to go to a D1 or D3 School

• How far away do you want to go            

• Does the school have the Academics

• Cost                                                        

• What type of scene are you looking for

This is a lot to shuffle so try to be very organized about your choices and the ups and downs of each one as you narrow in. Make sure you spend ample time on the College/University websites.

SwimCloud - Create your account on Swimcloud it's a very valuable resource for athletes to get recognition.

We also reccomend a local agency called College Click at

Interview on recruiting trip is important - be prepared.

Go through NCAA clearinghouse for eligibility.