Swimmer Code of Conduct
(Must be read by Swimmer)
In accepting to be a part of the Greater Tampa Swim Association, I agree to:
1. Display proper respect, honesty, and sportsmanship toward coaches, officials, parents, fellow competitors and teammates. Exhibit teamwork and team spirit at meets and practices. Trash talking and profanity are unacceptable at all times.
2. Not have any unsupervised contact with any coach(es), including the Head Coach. Contact includes any one of the following: (a.) phone calls (b.) texts (c.) email (d.) social media (e.) driving with a coach or (f.) meeting a coach anywhere that is not a swim team designated event.
One-on-one contact with a swim coach is prohibited unless a parent, another adult, or another swimmer is present. Coaches will report any swimmer that violates this rule to the Head Coach. The Head Coach will report the inappropriate activity to the swimmer's parents and the swimmer will be suspended from practice for one week, including any and all meets that fall within that one-week time period. Coaches have been instructed and understand that they are not to have any unsupervised contact with athletes. An athlete who feels that a coach has violated this rule should report the incident to the Aquatic Director Todd Hoffmeier.
3. I have read the Bullying Policy and Electronic Communication Policy and will follow these policies as posted online under the swimmer and parent tab on the Greater Tampa Swim Association website.
4. Display proper behavior at all times in the locker room. This includes, but is not limited to, the following items: No rat tails (towel snapping); no turkeys (hand slapping for the purpose of leaving a mark on a fellow swimmer); no chicken fights; no hitting, slapping or punching of any kind; no name calling; no going through other swimmers bags or personal items. In short, no physical violence, thievery or disorderly behavior will be tolerated while using the locker rooms. These behaviors will also not be tolerated at any GTSA practice, meet, or team event.
5. Refrain from any immoral, inappropriate or unacceptable behavior such as, but not limited to: (a.) Smoking (b.) Drinking any alcoholic beverages (c.) Use of any drugs unless medically prescribed (d.) Any illegal activity (e.) Abusive or inappropriate action toward another person or (f.) Inappropriate texting, emailing, blogging, or social network comments (ex. Facebook posts)
6. Follow and obey team travel trip restrictions such as curfews, lights out policies, and any other guidelines placed by a team coach, team chaperone, or any other authority figure.
7. Represent GTSA Swimming with the honor, pride, and dignity that is expected as a Greater Tampa Swim Association Member at all times.
Failure to abide by team rules and team expectations will result in disciplinary action as necessary. A swimmer who violates any of the above will be required to meet with the coach and the Aquatic Director and their parents to discuss potential consequences. By reading this Code of Conduct, the Swimmer takes full responsibility for his or her actions as a representative of the Greater Tampa Swim Association.