View commonly asked questions below:(click on any of the items below)
How to join GTSA
GTSA Equipment
How can I join Greater Tampa Swim Association (GTSA)?
A: Congratulations on your decision. Here are the steps to follow:
1) Contact Coach Todd or Tammy Hoffmeier and discuss with them your swimming experience. You can get a feel for which group might be right for you by visiting the pool location and click on the Groups tab. The coach may ask you to attend a practice session to be evaluated. The practice times and locations for all groups can be found on the Calendars Tab.
2) After the coach assigns the group that is right for you, go to the Membership tab page inside the pool location that you are planning to attend. Review the membership packet and then click on start registration.
3) In the membership packet, you can review the appropriate session fees for your swimmers level.
4) Complete the online Registration and either pay by a credit card or mail your payment to:
Greater Tampa Swim Association (GTSA)
2311 S. Lois Ave
Tampa, FL 33629
5) Once the administrator processes your paperwork, your family account will be made ’Active’ and you will receive an email with your login password. Use your primary account email address as your login id to sign in to sign-in to the website to view areas not accessible to the general public.
6) If you’ve trained/competed under a previous USA Swimming-affiliated club, complete the Florida Swimming Transfer Form on the membership tab again in the Location tab of the pool you will be attending.
7) Spend some time reviewing all of the GTSA website – there is a lot of information available to you. If you have more questions, always feel free to ask one of the Coaches or Advisory Board Members. We are all available to help.
Billing Questions
Q: How am I billed for my GTSA charges?
A: On the 1st of each month, an invoice is generated for each swimming family. A link is emailed to you that allows you to see your specific charges and payments received. You must first sign-in to the GTSA website to be allowed to see your account.
Q: What does it mean when I receive an invoice email notification that says I have a balance due?
A. This means your GTSA account had charges posted since the previous invoice and that you need to make a payment to GTSA (if you have a balance of a zero or a credit, you don’t need make any payments for that month).
Q: How do I make a payment to GTSA?
A: You may place your fees in the swim box at the pool or mail them to:
Greater Tampa Swim Association (GTSA)
2311 S. Lois Ave
Tampa, FL 33629
Q: Where can I see the detailed charges on my account ?
A: After you’ve logged on, go to ’$ My Invoice/Payment’ tab. Under this tab, you can see current and past invoices and all payments you’ve made. You also can see any currently posted charges that haven’t yet been invoiced by going to the ’My Account’ tab as well.
Q: What kind of charges are posted to my GTSA account ?
A: All meet entry fees charges, session charges for all swimmers, and any Team Travel charges will all be posted to your GTSA billing account.
Q: When are my payments due and who do I contact if I have questions about my invoice?
A: All payments must be received by the Administrator by the 10th of the month after you receive your invoice. Local group fees are due by the date listed in registration packet. Failure to pay in a timely manner will result in email reminders on the 10th and 15th of the month and removal of your swimmer(s) from practice on the 20th of the month until the balance is paid. Please contact the Treasurer with questions.
Website Operation / Member Directory
Q: I forgot my password! What do I do?
A: On the "Sign-In" page, click the link and your password will be emailed to you. Your password will be auto-emailed to the email address on file with your members-only account.
Q: Can I change my password?
A: Yes. After you sign in, click on "Change Pswd" near the top-right corner of the home page.
Q: How can I change my email address or other contact information?
A: After signing in, Click on "My Account" and change your personal information. Make sure to click "Save" at the bottom when you are done.
Q: Why require username/password to use the GTSA website?
A: Members-only login protects private information. Because our website draws traffic from all over the country and around the world, each family’s username and password allows access to their specific family account. Some portions of the website are activated by signing-in and are viewable only by registered Club GTSA families.
Q: Do I need a username/password for each family member?
A: No. Membership is set up as ONE ACCOUNT PER FAMILY. A family account can cover multiple swimmers in that family.
Q: Sometimes, some of the choices on the top navigation bar of the website are missing. How do I see them?
A: Some parts of the website are visible only after you sign-in.
Q: How can I get a Member Directory?
A: First, you must sign-in with your member name and password. Then, click the "Members" tab under the main navigation bar. This will take you to the Member Search page. Here you can look up individual members or groups. Swimmer names, parent names, street address, email address and home phone number are visible for all members who have not indicated a preference under "My Account" to not be in the directory. To be removed from the directory, select "No, I do not want to participate" in the "Member Search" box. Note that if you are not in the directory you also can not see a directory of others.
Entering Swim Meets
Q: How do I sign up to swim in a meet?
A: You will receive an email from GTSA when a meet becomes available for sign-up. Remember that there is a deadline for sign-up that is listed on the email and on the registration information on the website.
After signing-in on the GTSA website, click on the “Attend this Event" box under the meet of interest in the “Upcoming Events" section at the lower-right corner of the homepage.
Q: Which events should I sign up for?
A: Discuss with your coach which events are appropriate.
Q: Where do entry times come from?/Can I submit alternate entry times?
A: Entry times are generally a swimmer’s fastest legal time in an event recorded in our database. For some meets, such as the state championships, only the fastest times achieved in the last year are considered. A swimmer who does not have a time in an event may be entered by the coach with no-time or a time estimate from a similar event or a practice. If you have alternate times for the coach to consider such as times from a country club or high school meet, include them in the "Notes" section when you are signing-up for a meet.
Q: How do I know that my meet entries are accepted?
A: When you select your child’s desired events at a meet, they will have a status of “committed". Coaches will review, update and finalize all entries after the entry deadline. Once this process is completed, each swimmer’s status will change to "approved", typically within a few days of the entry deadline.
Q: How do I pay my meet fees?
A: Meet entry fees are automatically added to your account balance and will be included in your next month’s bill.
Program Information
Q: How do I know which training group is right for my child?
A: The coaches will assign the practice groups for returning and new swimmers. New swimmers will be able to view the requirements for each group by visiting the pool location and clicking on the Groups tab. Coaches will always make the final group placement decisions. For a coach-to-parent discussion of your child’s needs please send an email to the coach.
Q: What are GTSA fees?
A: The Fees are listed in the membership packet. Go to pool location and click on membership. Look for new swimmers or returning swimmers and click on the membership packet.
Q: What about refunds or pro-rated fees?
A: Each session typically has a mid-point at which a 50% pro-rated fee may be paid.
Volunteer Service
Q: What ways can I volunteer to support the club?
A: In addition to volunteering at GTSA hosted swim meets, many parents support the club by volunteering some of their time on one or more of the club committees. If you are interested, contact one of the Advisory Board Members. Finally, members can also support GTSA as a member of the Advisory Board. All families will volunteer 20 hours by helping at swim meets or other team events. You must sign up online where there is a job sign - up tab
Q: Who can I contact with questions about working at a GTSA hosted swim meet or committee?
A: Please contact Tammy Hoffmeier.
GTSA Equipment
Q: Am I required to have specific team equipment?
A: Yes. All GTSA swimmers need to wear a GTSA team suit, team cap, and team shirt to meets.
Q: What GTSA apparel can I buy? Are there deadlines for orders that I should be aware of?
A: Up-to-date information about GTSA equipment can be found in the location tab and click on the pool your child attends practice and click on the Equipment tab.
Q: Who do I contact with questions about equipment?
A: Please contact Tammy Hoffmeier, Team Merchandise.
Official Apprentice Program
Q: What steps are involved in becoming an official?
A: By following these steps:
· Attending an Apprentice Swimming Official Clinic.
· Taking the On-Line Swimming Official test.
· USA swimming Non-Athlete registration
· Finishing a minimum of 6 sessions of apprentice meets.
Q: Do officials get paid?
A: GTSA officials do not get paid at meets, but they get volunteer service credit for the sessions they work.
Q: How often do I have to work if I am an official?
A: You are required to work a minimum of 4 sessions per year to maintain certification.
Q: Who can I contact for more information on becoming an official?
A: You can contact Frank Swigon , GTSA Officials Coordinator
Parent & Board Meetings
Q: How often are parent & board meetings scheduled?
A: Each regular meeting of the Board of Directors is announced on the News section of the website and is posted as an Event at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
Q: How can I get an item on the board meeting agenda?
A: Members may present issues of concern to the Board at any meeting. A typical board meeting includes a block of time for member questions/comments near the beginning of the agenda.
Social Events
Q: How do I find out about social events?
A: All events are announced on the website’s “News" area at the lower left corner of the homepage. Some social events will require advance sign-up in the “Events" area at the lower right corner of the homepage.
Q: What kinds of social activities can I expect will be available to my child?
A: From in-person registration in the fall to the annual post-championship spring banquet, the club tries to offer varied social activities for groups of all ages. These include snacks and socializing during in-person registration (fall only); holiday break activities such as bowling, movies, or gym time; team dinners during travel meets; training-group-specific activities to charge batteries before spring championships; and the annual winter banquet. Poolside social activities and summertime picnics are also coordinated during long-course season.
Q: How do I volunteer to help organize social events or offer ideas?
A: Please contact Social Events Committee Chair TBA .
Q: Who do I contact with fundraising ideas and opportunities?
A: Please contact the Fundraising Committee TBA.