We need your help! Throughout the season, BNSC hosts several local swim meets. We invite you to become a Supporting Partner to support our swimmers, and to help make these events a rewarding experience for all swimmers within our community.
The success of our non-profit organization is made possible through the financial proceeds of these hosted meets, through the financial support of our parents, and finally through financial support of our local business partners.
How will you benefit by becoming a BNSC Supporting Partner? Your sponsorship will help us meet many of our club’s objectives, such as:
  • Increasing our team’s community visibility
  • Providing opportunities for local businesses and organizations to support our team
  • Helping us ensure our swimmers are able to train using more advanced methods and equipment
  • Fostering participation in high school, state, and nationwide competitions for which they qualify
Please take a moment to consider becoming an official BNSC Supporting Partner. CLICK HERE to view a description of support levels and a commitment form to complete and return. Contributions are tax-deductible. If you feel that your specific business can help in other ways (donating food for our concessions or hospitality, providing paper, toner, or copiers for printing), please let us know. We appreciate any and every way you can assist. The opportunities are endless!
Thank you on behalf of our entire swim team for your support and investing in future area swimmers!