SCA Pre-Competitive Swim Team Group Description

JUNIOR TEAM (Swim Training)

SUMMER (June thru August), FALL (September thru November),  WINTER (January thru March), & Spring (April thru May) 

Junior 1 Team  ages 7-10

Junior 2 Team  ages 10-14

*Tryouts are REQUIRED for new swimmers. Our Junior Team groups provide a swim-team-style practice working on refinement of the 4 competitive strokes, endurance building, advanced skills such as dives, flip turns, interval training and relays. Admittance to these groups are through try-outs or by graduating from our swim lesson program only.

Junior Team serves 2 types of swimmers:

  • A swimmer looking to refine stroke development and elevate endurance in preparation for advancing into our COMPETITIVE SWIM TEAM track.
  • A swimmer refining stroke progression and endurance building capability for a NON-COMPETITIVE TRAINING development track.

*To participate in tryouts, a swimmer should be able to complete 25 for Jr 1 and 50 yards for Jr 2 of freestyle (breathing comfortably), backstroke and have a "working knowledge" of breaststroke and butterfly.


If you’re a High School Athlete and you are looking for an athletic activity with low time commitment, the High School Training Group is the right program for you! All Swimmers on the High School Training Group must be able to swim 200 yards without stopping of freestyle, 100 yards without stopping of backstroke and an idea of breaststroke and butterfly.

The High School Training Group is a technique-based program. Coaches will work with your swimmer on all four competitive strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly) and building endurance. Your swimmer will also be introduced to racing skills such as dives, turns and streamlines.


  • Learn the basics of the four competitive strokes
  • Learn racing starts for all four competitive strokes
  • Learn turns for all four competitive strokes
  • Overall preparation for swim training