Team Information
2024 Summer Season
Questions: [email protected] - 630-377-1405
July 25 - Summer Relay Meet - Meet Program LINK
July 22 Pracitice is still on for now. The Lightening strike alarm did sound and the pool staff are currently waiting for the "all clear."
July 11 - Otter vs Thunder Meet Program LINK
July 5 - Signup invites have been emailed for the July 11 swim meet. Signup will close Monday, July 8 at noon.
July 3 - We are holdidng practice this morning!
June 24 - Confirmation of swimmer in Thursday's meet were emailed.
June 21 - Swim meet signup invitations were emailed to our Otter Team families.
June 17 - Ribbons/awards will be available for pickup at the Swanson pool swim practices. We do not have a swim meet this week. Our next meet will be June 27 with signups for this meet going out June 21.
June 7 - Signup Genius invitation to sign your swimmer up for the upcoming swim meet on Thursday, June 13 was sent and the sign up is now open. The sign up will close on Monday, June 10 at noon.
June 6 - I have been notified by the St Charles Park District that a vidographer will be taking photos and videos around the pools next week. Let me know if you have any questions/concerns.
June 5 - Looks like rain BUT, we do hold practice if it is just a steady rain (swimmers are already wet). However, if the rain turns into a down-pour, the lifeguards will pause the practice in an effort to maintain a safe environment. If the approaching rain should materialize into storms, we will cancel practice.
June 3, 2024 - 1st day of swim practice!! Hoping the weather cooperates
May 29 - Today is our Meet-The-Coaches Event! We will have a suit sizing kit available and will hand out t-shirts and swim caps. See you tonight!
May 22, 2024 - Otter Team swimsuit is available for purchase. We would like swimmers to have a team suit for the swim meets, however, it is not required. If you already know the size you need to order, check out the link given below. We will have a suit sizing kit available at the Meet the Coaches Event on Wednesday, May 29 at 6pm. The order deadline for suits (so that you get them prior to our first swim meet) is Sunday, June 2 at 11:59pm! Please have suits shipped to your personal address.
If you cannnot make the Meet the Coaches event and need to size a suit, we will be at the Norris Rec Center on Thursday, May 30 @ 5-5:30pm. You can also contact Simply Swimming and they can assist you with sizing. The suits are not personalized so they are returnable unused with tags etc.
For swim practices, it is recommended that one piece suits and swim trunks/jammers with a drawstring be worn. Your kiddos will need a good pair of goggles that do not leak and a towel. We will provide a team LATEX swim cap & t-shirts as part of your registration. We will hand these out at practice.
May 19, 2024 - We have our "MEET THE COACHES" event on WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 @ 6PM at Otter Cove Pool under the Ollie Pavilion at the west entrance (not the main pool entrance). We will have suit sizing and will go over what you can expect over the next several weeks of our summer swim team season. See you there!
Practice Schedule
Inclement Weather Procedure
We will post in the Annoucement section of this page if practice will be/has been cancelled. If practices are taking place at the time the pool is closed due to the weather conditions, we will send out a text message to all that have provided their cell phone number in Signup Genius. If an account does not have a cell phone registered, we will send an email notice to that account. If you are on the pool deck at the time practice is cancelled and evacuation is required, we will follow the procedures listed below.
Inclement Weather Evacuation Procedure
- When the lightning detection system sounds, we will have the Otter Team swimmers exit the pool, but stay with the coaching staff.
- We will leave the pool deck as a group and go to the front atrium (in the pool house near the front entrance where the front counter staff are located). Parents that are on the pool deck waiting for their swimmer(s) should follow our group to this location.
- Once in the atrium, we will take a headcount and at that time parents are welcome to take their swimmer(s) home.
Parents, please wait to start a conversation with the coaching staff until all swimmers have been moved to the atrium and are secure. Thank you for helping us keep your children safe during these times of transition.
Otter Team Swimsuits
Otter Team swimsuits are a Speedo, royal blue competitive style suit. The girls have a one-piece and the boys have a jammer style. Here is the link to order your team suit for the summer. Online suit order deadline is Sunday, June 2 at 11:59pm!
Simply Swimming at 608-836-6649.
Swim Meet Schedule
2024 Summer Coaching Staff
Tess Walsh Will Deutmeyer Carrie Lack
Paige Tripp Ellie Corcoran Paige Haddon Leah Jacobs