2019 SCE Doug Long Masters Meet
TBA 2019 at the Norris Recreation Center
Benefiting the St. Charles East High School Girls Swim and Dive Team
Masters Swimmers join us on the morning of the Super Bowl for our annual Masters meet benefiting St. Charles East Girls Swimming and Diving.
Date and Time:
Sunday February TBA, 2021
Warmups: 7 to 7:50 am
500 Free and 400 IM begin at 8am
All other events begin at 9am
Norris Recreation Center at St. Charles East High School
1050 Dunham Road, St. Charles IL 60174
6 lane 50 Meter pool divided into 2 25 yard pools.
Pool will be measured to ensure times are eligible for top ten/records.
All races will be swum in the deep water (12’ to 5.5’) competition course except for the slower 500 free and 400 IM heats which will be swum in the shallow (3.5’ to 5’) end.
Competition course timing is automated, with semi-automatic and manual backups available. Shallow water swims will be manually timed.
Shallow water lanes will be available for warm-up/warm-down following the conclusion of the 500 Free/400 IM heats in those lanes.
The ILMSA consolidated entry form must be used. It is available below and on the Illinois Masters website HERE. All entries, fees and a copy of your 2021 USMS are do no later than January 30, 2021.
Athletes are limited to 5 individual events, and may not enter both the 500 free and 400 IM. Seeding for all events is slowest to fastest, regardless of sex.
Entries will be limited to ensure the meet ends no later than 2pm.
Fees for entry are: $15 for three or fewer events, $20 for four and $ for five entries. All athletes must also pay the one-time $5 surcharge.
Entry fees may be paid by a check made out to: St. Charles East H.S. Swimming and Diving.
Please mail your entries/fees/registration card copy to:
Brett Milo
1365 Hampton Course
St. Charles Illinois 60174
Meet Information/Results:
If you provide your email address with your registration you will get updates about the meet from our entry chair, including entry confirmation, a copy of the heat sheet when entries close and any updates about the meet.
Results will be emailed out at the end of the competition in PDF format. They will also be available online after the meet at this website, and during the meet live unofficial results will be posted using the Meet Mobile app.
We look forward to seeing our Masters friends at the Norris Recreation Center on February 4, 2018!
Brett Milo, Meet Director - brettmilo@sbcglobal.net
Michael Jania, Meet Referee - michaeljania@icloud.com
Jack Yetter, Entry Chair and Administrative Official - yetter96@gmail.com
Heat Sheet
Session Report
Individual Results
Final Team Scores