Event Support Information

FAST is known for hosting high-quality competitions. Teams travel to our popular FAST-hosted meets from all over the Midwest. The biggest benefit of hosting these meets is they provide our athletes with high-quality competition, while reducing the training dues paid by FAST families and minimizing travel expenses for our families.

Event Support Requirements

For every FAST-hosted invitational, families with only Tiger Cubs 1, Tiger Cubs 2, or Tiger Cubs 3 swimmers are asked to provide event support for 2 sessions. Families with swimmers in all other training groups are asked to provide event support for 3 sessions.

Families must provide event support regardless of whether or not their swimmer(s) are participating in the FAST-hosted meet.

Prior to each meet, our Event Support Coordinator will send an email to announce that the sign up is open. Please prioritize these emails, as they will provide details about the meet, as well as the support specifics. In some circumstances, FAST is able to lower the family event support requirement for a specific meet. This can be dues to a number of variables (length of the meet, number of pools being used, etc.). If the requirement is lowered, the Event Support Coordinator will notify team families.

Families are strongly encouraged to work the sessions. If a family does choose to "Hire a Sub" for a meet before the sign-up window closes, a $25 per session fee will be charged to their account. After 3 hires per year (September - August), the cost increases to $50 per session.

Those who do not sign up, hire a sub, or show up for their event support shifts are automatically assessed a financial penalty of $75 per session. This ensures that FAST can provide adequate staffing at our hosted meets, achieve our budget goals, and keep families' dues low.

If an athlete is participating in a higher-level event, such as TYR Pro or Winter Nationals, that conflicts with a FAST-hosted meet, the "Hire a Sub" fee will be waived for that family. If the athlete ends up swimming in part, but not all, of the FAST-hosted meet, the event support obligation will be in force.


Event Support Position Descriptions

Admissions – Sell admissions and heat sheets;  Depending on the meet, may also sell and distribute meet spirit wear.

Head Timer – Supervise the timers and operate extra stopwatches for back up.   Requires experience and training. 

Timer – Run a stopwatch and plunger (back up timing device) and manually record times on timer sheets.  

Relief Timer – Fill in for timers that need a break.

Clerk of Course - Responsible for lining up the 8 & Under swimmers and ensuring the swimmers arrive at their starting blocks on time.

Security – Enforce the pool deck restrictions, monitor admissions and maintain order in the swimming venue.   

Announcer – Operate the public address system, announce events, heats and results. 

Concessions – Sell food and drinks at the concession stand.   

Hospitality - The hospitality area is for coaches, volunteers and officials.  Put out food, keep the area clean and run food and drinks onto the pool deck.

Deck Runner - Pick up the timer sheets from each lane after each event and give them to the head table.  Requires walking on the pool deck, wear comfortable, non slip shoes.

Copy / Post  - Assist with copying and posting heat sheets and meet results.   Requires walking on the pool deck, wear comfortable, non slip shoes.

Awards – Work the awards table, placing labels on awards and sorting and distributing them to team envelopes and FAST swimmer files.  Refill heat winner buckets as needed.  

Computer Daktronics Timing Equipment Operator -  Work at the head table running the timing console and computer.  Must have previous training.    

Computer Operator / Meet Manager – Work at the head table on the computer to run the meet software.  Must have previous training.     

Scratch Table - Monitor scratch sheets during prelims sessions for swimmers wanting to scratch from finals.

Meet Set-up and Clean-up – Responsible for setting up and/or breaking down all equipment required to run the meet and general clean up of the pool deck and surrounding areas.

Floater – Work any position that is needed.

Event Support Check In - Check in people as they arrive for their event support shifts and make sure they know where they need to be and what they are doing.   Make sure all critical positions are filled before the meet starts. 

Officials – Referee for swimming, must have current certification with USA Swimming.

Deck or Warm-up Pool Marshal -  Monitor warm up lane and/or pool to make sure swimmers are abiding by the rules.


If you have any questions about any of these positions, please don't hesitate to contact our Event Support Coordinator.