Technical Suit Guidelines

Team suits are always expected at meets. Certain meets, however, are deemed as Performance Meets by the coaching staff and technical suits may be worn at these meets in lieu of the team suit. With that said, the following are Recommended Guidelines FAST has created with the assistance of our TYR Rep, the Elsmore Swim Shop management, the philosophical viewpoint of the FAST coaching staff, and USA Swimming legislation.  WE recommend:  

Venzo: This is the NEW TYR suit that will be released in January 2019. Check out TYR's Venzo™ Tech Video. FAST will provide recommendations once the suit has been released.

Avictor: Any 13 & over athlete having achieved a Sectional cut or faster. Elsmore Swim Shop will provide color options available for the Avictor that meet FAST criteria.

Thresher: Any FAST athlete not yet having achieved a Sectional cut.  Elsmore Swim Shop will provide color options available for the Thresher that meet FAST criteria.

12 & Under Athletes: FAST recommends that these athletes do NOT wear a Technical Suit. ** USA Swimming adopted legislation that forbids technical suits for 12 & Under athletes beginning in the Fall of 2019, except those competing at a Junior National or higher meet.

All FAST athletes MUST purchase a TYR Tech Suit if wearing one.  NO other brands should be purchased as we want to honor our agreement with TYR. 

If you or your athlete have questions, please contact your lead coach.

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