About Kraken Swimming

Mission Statement:

Kraken Swimming is dedicated to providing opportunity and encouragement for its members to make an uncompromised commitment to the pursuit of excellence though teaching integrity, discipline, teamwork, and sportsmanship.


In 2006, Coach Trish Wirtz started the Hubbard Swim Club (HSC) as a feeder program for the Hubbard High School Varsity Swim Team and to provide the area with a USA Swimming affiliated swim club. For 10 years the program grew and produced several State Tournament qualifiers and nationally ranked swimmers.

Looking to retire, Coach Trish turned her program over to the Hubbard Community Pool in 2016 where it was reorganized into Kraken Swimming. Since then, not only has Kraken Swimming continued the USA affiliated swim club, it has started a lessons program, a US Masters team, and coaches several of the area's high school teams.