How You Can Participate


 If you have pictures of our qualifiers from ealier years, send them in for our Road to Paris page!


GOOD LUCK VIDEOS: Send in a video from your team wishing our OT qualifiers good luck!

  • Record your team sending well wishes to either all of the NE swimmers as a whole or individually.
  • Send video to either Rhi Jeffrey or Jenelle Dolan for posting to NE socials and compiling together to send to qualifiers.
  • You can also upload the video to your own teams socials and share to NE swim socials to allow us to repost.

SOCIAL MEDIA HASHTAGS: All posts relating to OTs for our New England swimmers should include the following hash tags (you can copy and paste some or all from below):

  • #NewEnglandOTSwim #NEOTSwim #NewEnglandSwimming #NewEnglandOTQualifiers #NEOTQualifiers #NESwimsFAST #OlympicTrialsSwim #OlympicSwimmingTrials #Swim #SwimFast #Swimming #Swimmer #FastSwimming #USASwimming

MEET HOSTS: If you have a NE Olympic Trials Qualifier entered in one of your LCM meets, please reach out to NE swimming as we can provide some goodies for them if you’d like to have a presentation. ANOTHER COOL IDEA: younger swimmers in your meet could put their name in a hat to race the OT qualifier. You can add handicaps!

TRIVIA: In the last few weeks leading up to OT’s the LSC will be hosting some trivia! Keep an eye out for her your team can play along!


PICK-EM CONTEST: The week of Olympic Trials, the LSC will host a pick-em contest for each night of finals. All swimmers can participate in this contest where you will pick who you think will qualify for the Olympic Team each night.


RUN A TEAM EVENT: Your team can host it’s own OT-based event! Watch parties can be fun for an entire family, not just your swimmers! Please reach out to NE about how you can get reimbursed for these events!


SUBMIT PICTURES: If your team runs and OT event or participates in NE trivia or runs into a Trials qualifier and grabs a picture, SEND THEM IN!