

Currently, all swimmers must be between the ages of 5 and 18 as of December 1 of the current swim season (September–March). Their age on this date defines their age group for the entire season out of the following age groups: 8u, 9–10, 11–12, 13–14, 15+.


All swimmers must try out and be approved by the Coaches before participation in any Rye Y Waveryeders program. The Front Desk will use the Coaches’ approved Roster.


Tryouts for Spring Season are held the first week of April: dates for 2024 TBA. 

Tryouts for Fall–Winter Season are always held the evenings of Tuesday–Thursday after Labor Day.  (This year: September 5–7, 2023.)


Swimmers are divided into the following practice groups based on age and ability:

  • Pre-Team (non-competitive)
  • Practice Team (non-competitive)
  • Team 1
  • Team 2 
  • Team 3
  • Team 4

Qualification for the Non-Competitive Teams



Swimmer must be able to complete 1 continuous lap of freestyle and 1 continuous lap of backstroke. Swimmer must demonstrate rotary breathing.


Practice Team

Swimmer must be able to complete 2 continuous laps of freestyle and backstroke using legal stroke mechanics. Swimmer must demonstrate a knowledge of breaststroke and butterfly. Swimmer must demonstrate rotary breathing.


Qualification for the Competitive Team


8 & under, 10 & under

Swimmer must be able to complete 2 continuous laps of freestyle and backstroke using legal stroke mechanics. Swimmer must demonstrate a knowledge of breaststroke and butterfly. Swimmer must demonstrate rotary breathing.


12 & under

Swimmer must be able to complete 4 continuous laps of freestyle and backstroke, and demonstrate legal stroke mechanics for breaststroke and butterfly. Swimmer must demonstrate rotary breathing and flip turns. 


14 & under, 17 & under

Swimmer must be able to complete 4 continuous laps of freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke, and 2 continuous laps of butterfly, using legal stroke mechanics. Swimmer must demonstrate rotary breathing, proper breathing for breaststroke and butterfly, flip turns, and legal turns for backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly.