Midwestern's Times

Midwestern's Searchable Database contains all times for all Midwestern swimmers for current season. It mirrors the MW Team Manager Database. It is updated regularly as meet results are received.

If you want to find your ranking in MW
Click on Times for All Midwestern Swimming
Put in the COURSE you wish to see
Put in the gender, age group
Click on the Event

Midwestern's Top Times lists the current Top 8 swimmers and is updated at the end of each season. It includes swimmers with an A time or better. Short Course Top 8 will be updated in April. Long Course Top 8 will be updated in September.
Midwestern Short Course Records and Midwestern Long Course Records are updated at the end of each season using the data from the USA Swimming SWIMS database and the Midwestern Portal on the USA Swimming website.
Midwestern Archived Records has MW records back to 1989 by year and by short course and long course.
Midwestern Awards are given annually to outstanding MW swimmers at the annual MW Awards Banquet. These awards include Swimmer of the Year awards, the National Age Group awards, and the Midwestern Record Breakers for the year.
Standards include links to Midwestern Championship Meet standards, Region VIII qualifying times, Zone qualifying times, and National Standards.  The Downloads are National Age Group times customized for Midwestern and the Midwestern Championship standards. Right-click on the downloads and save the file to disk. The file is zipped so you will need to unzip or open the zipped file to get at the .std file.