Future Flyers Swim Group

Swimmers interested in joining the West Fargo Flyers will need to attend one of our Future Flyers events. The Flyers will offer these events multiple times throughout the year. The upcoming dates will be added onto this page and on our SignUpGenius as they become available. 


A few things to consider before registering for Future Flyers:

  1. The Hulbert Aquatic Center has a policy that every swimmer must be able to swim in the pool without a life jacket. The swim test includes being able to swim 25 yards unassisted, which includes stopping on the wall or lane rope. If your swimmer cannot swim 25 yards of freestyle or backstroke unassisted and without stopping, it would be in your athlete’s best interest to continue on with swimming lessons and look for the next Future Flyers session when your swimmer is stronger in the water. 
  2. Not all athletes will pass Future Flyers. Invitation to swim on the Flyers will be based on safety, skills, and maturity. Please know that if your swimmer does not pass Future Flyers the first (or even second!) time his or her swimming career is not over. It just means they need to get a bit stronger, more comfortable, and a little more experience.
  3. We are a competitive swim team. We ask all members of our club to compete in a minimum of 2 swim meets throughout the season. This is a time for your swimmer to show how hard they have worked in practice and to hang out with their teammates!
  4. As we get closer to the start of the Short Course season (Fall/Winter), there will be updates on when practices are going to be held. If you are not planning to register for the upcoming season, we politely ask you to wait to try out until you plan to register with the team if your swimmer passes Future Flyers. 

Upcoming Future Flyer Sessions-The following classes will open May 6th

July 29th & 30th, 2024- https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/ndwffs/page/system/classreg-shopping?classId=214195&subProgId=38065

September 9th & 10th, 2024- https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/ndwffs/page/system/classreg-shopping?classId=214203&subProgId=38065

Septmeber 16th & 17th, 2024- https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/ndwffs/page/system/classreg-shopping?classId=214204&subProgId=38065

September 23 & 24th, 2024- https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/ndwffs/page/system/classreg-shopping?classId=220692&subProgId=38065

October 28th & 29th, 2024- https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/ndwffs/page/system/classreg-shopping?classId=220689&subProgId=38065

November 4th & 5th, 2024- https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/ndwffs/page/system/classreg-shopping?classId=220695&subProgId=38065

December 2nd and 3rd, 2024- https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/ndwffs/page/system/classreg-shopping?classId=220696&subProgId=38065

If these dates don't work and you want to be notified for the next Future Flyers please sign up here: 

Sign Up!

This link will take you to the Flyer Waitlist via SignUpGenius. Once we have determined that we will open another Future Flyers session we will notify the families on the waitlist. This page also contains more information about what to expect, where to go during tryouts, and tips to help your child succeed during this process!


During Future Flyers, swimmers will be assessed by Flyers Coaching staff on the specific skills needed to become a member of the West Fargo Flyers Swim Team. Typically, Future Flyers sessions are over 2 days for 45 minutes each day. Swimmers should bring a pair of goggles and a swimsuit to the events. We recommend a swim cap for swimmers with hair past their chin, but it is not necessary. We also recommend that females war a one-piece swimsuit for tryouts, but it is not required. You do NOT need a specific brand of swimsuit for the event.  

At the conclusion of the Future Flyers session, each swimmer will receive a certificate saying whether they are ready for the team or if we suggest another round of swimming lessons before they try again. A coach will also come to talk to each parent/guardian and answer any questions that they may have.

If your child is ready to join the Flyers:

  • You will receive registration information, including which practice group they should sign up for
  • Details about each practice group, including when practices are, what equipment is required and how to sign up for practices
  • Contact information for the West Fargo Flyers Coaches and Board members

If your child is not quite ready for the Flyers yet:

  • This does not mean that your child’s swimming career is over! Our main priority is safety in the pool. We recommend that your child takes another round of swimming lessons to help improve endurance and gain a little more confidence in the water.
  • Feel free to add your name back on the SignUpGenius! This way you will be contacted when another round of Future Flyers sessions are opening.

West Fargo Flyers Board members will be on-site to answer questions about the swim team during the Future Flyers events. If your swimmer passes the event, the Flyer Registration Chair and other Board members will be at the pool to help you register for the upcoming season.  


If you have any questions about Future Flyers please contact Natalie Montplaisir, Assistant Coach of the Flyers, at [email protected]