Interested in Coaching with NASC? 


 We are always looking for passionate, dedicated coaches of all levels to join our club! For those who are new to coaching, certification starts with AquaGO! training that focuses on swimmers in the recreational stream. Following AquaGO! training, coaches can take their Competition Introduction course, which introduces advanced skills and allows them to work with swimmers in the novice and competitive streams. 

Coaches with NASC receive close mentorship from the head coach and assistant head coach and are encouraged to participate in various professional development opportunities, offered by the club or outside organizations. 

Applications for the upcoming season are typically open from May to June for coaches of all streams, however, we are always willing to discuss current coaching opportunities for those in the Ottawa area! Email [email protected] for more information.

Our coaching applications for the 2024-25 season are currently closed. If you're interested in coaching, please reach out to [email protected]



How do I get involved as a swimmer?

Many of our recreational and assistant coaches are current NASC swimmers in the novice and competitive streams. Swimmers can apply to be an assistant coach when they are in the 13-15 age category, and move up to being a recreational coach once they enter the 16-20 (Junior) age category and have shown the necessary leadership skills and responsibility to move into this role. 

Recreational assistant coaches are volunteer positions where assistants get paired with a recreational coach and team for the season and helps with giving swimmers feedback, teaching skills, and having fun with the athletes! Swimmers interested in volunteering as an assistant coach should email [email protected] and read through our assistant coach information sheet