If your child is ill, please keep him/her home.  As swimmers are in very close contact during practice, we ask that your child be fever-free for 24 hours before returning after an illness. Children with influenza, strep throat (prior to 48 hours of antibiotic treatment), and illnesses of the digestive system must stay home.  Children with hair lice are required to stay away from the pool until they have been treated with lice-removal shampoo, checked, and found to be free of lice and nits.  Finally, county health policy dictates that children with open sores be kept out of the pool.

If your child has a chronic health issue (such as diabetes or hearing loss) or a learning disability (such as ADD), please notify  the office.  It is imperative that we have this information so that we can safely and knowledgeably teach your child.  We will maintain confidentiality while making sure that our coaching staff is educated and informed in order to best help your child.



If your child becomes ill or is injured in practice to the extent where First Aid must be administered, we promise to contact you that day to make you aware of the problem.