In the event of inclement weather, it is sometimes necessary to cancel practice.  We do NOT always follow MCPS cancellations.  In the event of a weather-related closing (as long as we have electricity!), we will list the closing on the website, send out emails to all participants, and send out a text alert. 

Montgomery College policy: The decision to cancel swim sessions, swim team practices and other swim activities may be made before, and separate from, a College decision to delay opening or close due to weather conditions. The internal school emergency closing procedures will determine if an activity will be held. All afternoon swim practices may adhered to MCPS determination that conditions are unsafe and afterschool actives are to be canceled however that is based in conjunction with MC-R & MC-G's decision.


Quince Orchard policy:  As the bubble is a non-permanent structure, safety guidelines require that the bubble close for thunder and for high winds.  The guidelines for thunder closures are the same as those for your summer pool:  the pool remains closed for 30 minutes following the last audible thunderclap. If this should happen during a practice, coaches will supervise the children in evacuating the bubble and waiting out the closure in an indoor room.  If the weather forecast calls for high winds, Quince Orchard is likely to close as a precautionary measure. 

Bender JCC policy: Outdoor pool will follow the same safety guidelines set forth by the county. 

  • When the air temperature does not reach or exceed 32 degrees (freezing) or when the wind chill is 25 degrees or below, the outdoor pool will be closed. 
  • The pool will be closed when conditions such as fog above the water line, snow, sleet or freezing rain prevent the staff from clearly viewing swimmers in the water. 
  • The outdoor pool will be closed when the Aquatics Director, Chief Operating Officer or Chief Executive Officer determines that unsafe conditions exist and may affect staff and/or members.