BOOSTERS CHAIRPERSONS plan activities for the swimmers and swim team families over the course of the swim season. These activities are not only fun, but build team spirit and help families get acquainted. Everybody is encouraged to participate as much as they can. See the Events Tab for more information.


AGE GROUP ACTIVITIES.   Special age group spirit activities are planned throughout the season. Some activities include bowling, greenbelt camp out, movie outing, sky high jump, etc. These events are planned to build camaraderie and foster lasting friendships within each age group. Information will be posted on the pool deck throughout the season. 

FAMILY FUNCTIONS. Hosted periodically throughout the season, these events provide an opportunity for families to socialize in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Events include the team camping trip, family drive in night, pool deck potlucks, and family fun night. 

CITY MEET SPIRIT WEEK.  Towards the end of the season in late July/early August the excitement builds as CONCORD CITY MEET approaches. Daily activities are planned starting on Monday leading up to the meet and are designed to build team spirit and get the swimmers pumped up for the big meet! Activities include making signs, decorating, arts & crafts, Stingray Salon, Orange and Blue dance, and more!




FAMILY BUDDY PROGRAM. Families will fill out a buddy form which shares their favorite color, foods, interests and other fun information about themselves. Each family will be assigned to a "buddy" family. Then throughout the season there will be two swim meets each month where families will put together a gift bag, make signs to support the swimmers during an event, or just make a card for their buddies! The buddy program is a fun way to encourage and support fellow swimmers during the season!  

SPIRIT WEAR.  During the swim season, the boosters will coordinate online orders for spirit wear.  This is a great way for parents and family to show their team pride.  Shirts, Hoodies, tank tops and more will be available.  Watch your family folders for more information.

ELSMORE SWIM SHOP TEAM SHOPPING PAGE. Swimmers and their families will have an opportunity to purchase WCST team swimsuits and gear from Elsmore Swim Shop this year.  One team swim cap and t-shirt will be provided to every swimmer on the team as part of registration fees. Swimmers will need to purchase additional swim gear (like goggles, etc.) individually and should have a separate practice suit for training.  For more info, please see the tab on the front page.  See calendar for ordering live date.

Custom WCST swimsuit and gear ordering information: