Thursday, June 29, 2023

The SwimPalooza is one of our big fundraisers and is a chance for our swimmers to challenge themselves with a different type of swimming than they normally do in practices and meets. Swimmers sign-up sponsors who will donate money for each length of the pool the swimmer completes (or a fixed amount, if they prefer). Each swimmer swims as many 25-yard lengths of the pool as they are able in the allotted time. 10 and under swimmers are in the pool for up to one hour. 11 and over swimmers have up to two hours to complete as many lengths as they can.


  • 3 – 4 pm: 10 & Under (including Mini-Dolfins)
    Check in at 2:45. You have 1 hour starting at 3 pm to swim as many laps as you can!
  • 4 – 6 pm: 11 & Over
    Check-in at 3:45. You have 2 hours starting at 4 pm to swim as many laps as you can!
  • 6 – 8 pm: Join us after the SwimPalooza for a Potluck Picnic at Pleasant Hill Park Picnic Area #3 (147 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill)!

Help with lap counting, serving refreshments, etc. would be appreciated from as many parents and siblings as are able to attend for either or both sessions.


Potluck Picnic at 6 pm after swim at Pleasant Hill Park Picnic Area #3 (147 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill)

To make the event easy, we are assigning food items by age group. Check for your age group's assigned item to bring for the potluck to share.

  • Families of 8 & Under age group swimmers - Sides (green salads, pasta salad, corn bread, etc.)
  • Families of 9/10 age group swimmers - Main dishes (lasagne, mac & cheese, tacos, burritos, pizza)
  • Families of 11/12 age group swimmers - Appetizers and cut up fruit (dips, veggies, watermelon, fruit salad)
  • Families of 13-18 age group swimmers - Desserts (cookies, brownies, cupcakes)

***There will be no sign-up going out for food for this event, this is the food ‘assignment’ so please make note of your swimmers age group and what to bring to the potluck!***

Please bring whatever your family would like to drink! You can also bring your own adult beverages if you so please (the park allows for alcohol consumption).


Sponsors can be anyone: friends, parents, neighbors, Mom/Dad's co-workers, grandparents, aunts/uncles, businesses, etc. The 2023 SwimPalooza Sponsor Pledge Form includes information about the team and why we are having the SwimPalooza. Be sure to fill in the information about yourself on the form, along with your goals for the SwimPalooza.

When you talk to sponsors, be sure to tell them:

  1. Your name
  2. That you are representing the Pleasant Hill Dolfins Swim Team (wear a Dolfins t-shirt)
  3. That you are collecting pledges to help pay for team expenses so that swimming with the Dolfins can be affordable for all kids
  4. The number of lengths that you are hoping to swim (your swim goal)
  5. That they can pledge a certain amount per length (with a maximum, if they like) or a fixed total amount, and that they can pay their donation before or after the swim. All monies are due by MONDAY JULY 10 to Karyl Oxley.
  6. That the PHD Parents Club is an IRS non-profit charitable organization, so donations are tax deductible. (The ID number is on the pledge form)

You may also want to tell potential sponsors your age, how long you have been swimming with the Dolfins, and why you like swimming with the Dolfins. If your parents are taking a pledge form to work, it helps to attach a personal note and a picture of you in your team suit.

Pledge payments can be before or after the SwimPalooza by cash, check or credit card. The donation form is linked here and is also reached via a button on the main page of the website. Bring your completed sponsor form to the SwimPalooza (you’ll get it back to use when collecting the pledges).



  • 1st: $50 gift card to highest fundraiser
  • 2nd: $25 gift card to the second highest fundraiser
  • 3rd: $20 gift card to the third highest fundraiser
  • $10 gift card to the highest lap swimmer in each age group, even minis!
  • All team members collecting $50 to $99 in donations will receive $5 in Dolfins Dollars to spend at the Snack Shack or Dolfins Merchandise Table
  • All team members collecting $100 to $199 in donations will receive $10 in Dolfins Dollars


SwimPalooza Contact

Any questions on the SwimPalooza fundraiser please contact Karyl Oxley at [email protected]We look forward to seeing you there!


We need volunteers to help with SwimPalooza! Our swimmers will need YOUR HELP counting laps on the blocks. Please reach out to Karyl Oxley if you would like to be a lap counter.