It has been the great family support over the years that have made the Pennridge Gators a standout both in the league and community.

Our competitive swimming and diving program allows children to experience success, learn how to deal with defeat, learn to set goals for themselves, and become healthy and physically fit. 


Meet the 2024 Summer Board

The parent board are volunteers committed to organizing a safe and exciting season. We would be happy to answer your question and help you get accustomed to the Gator swim program.  If you have questions that concern Swim coaching specifics or other Swim coaching related matters such as practices, meet lineup, and goal setting, please contact Coach Jenna Anselmo.  Please contact Lori Zimmerman if you have diving related questions. 

Please reach out to the summer board if you have any questions regarding the swim/dive season. We are happy to assist.

Contact - Please email 

President, Beth Feiss

Vice President, Karen Wood

Treasurer, Michelle Bolender

Secretary, Nicole Piotrowicz

League Rep/Diving Rep, Nicole Murray