Exporting Roster from TeamUnify for import into Meet Manager 

Click here for the related TeamUnify help page.  This will generate one of the three files that is due at 8pm on the Thursday before an "A" meet.  The three files should be emailed to the appropriate Division Data Manager.  Division C teams send to the Division D data manager.


Exporting Meet Entries from TeamUnify for import into Meet Manager 

Click here for the related TeamUnify help page.  This will generate one of the three files that is due at 8pm on the Thursday before an "A" meet.  The three files should be emailed to the appropriate Division Data Manager.  Division C teams send to the Division D data manager.


Generating Meet Entries Report in TeamUnify 

Click here for the related TeamUnify help page.  This will generate one of the three files that is due at 8pm on the Thursday before an "A" meet.  The three files should be emailed to the appropriate Division Data Manager.  Division C teams send to the Division D data manager.


Import Meet Results from Meet Manager into TeamUnify

​Click here for the related TeamUnify help page.