Manpower Positions

We can't run a meet without our volunteers! We all that all families work at least one shift per home meet. The following are some of the positions we need to fill.

Check in. One person needs to arrive half an hour before on deck arrival, to man the check in table. This table will have a volunteer list and a liist of all the swimmers in the meet by team name for them to check in with a highlighter. The swimmer check in pages are collected and provided to the scorers table for scratches. Except for the Invitational, as this often is a point person for questions. You will need to be able to have contact with and direct them to board members. In this case, there should be two, as one acts as a runner as needed and to provide breaks to watch your child swimming events.

Bullpen: A person who works in the bullpen has a list of events, called a heat sheet, with heat and lane assignments. This person needs to check in the swimmers and line them up according to event number, heat number and lane number. The junior coaches will help corral the kids to the Bullpen, it's your job to place them on the benches in the correct order. The swimmers are then taken by event order to the starting area. We need four bullpen workers each meet, two working at a time for half the meet each. You are able to leave this station to watch your kids races, be sure to let the other Bullpern worker know you are stepping away briefly.

Timers: Timers are the people who are first to give a swimmer their race time. Being a timer is a good entry-level position for new parents to help out. If you can start and stop a stopwatch (use the index finger!), you can be a timer. Timers are a backup to the automated computer system. However, we do not have touchpads, so the timer uses both a stopwatch and a push-button connected to the automated timing system. We provide the stopwatches and training before each meet begins. There are two timers per lane and all times are recorded by hand on a lane sheet by one timer in each lane (be sure to write the times in the same order every heat). Each timer is provided two stopwatches so that you can start the next race before your previous race time is recorded, just in case. A "Head Timer" is available with a spare watch in case a Timer misses a start or their watch malfunctions. Do NOT guess your time or write down the time on the scoreboard! If you miss a time and are unable to use a backup stopwatch, put a slash on the paper. Being a timer is a great way to be right there in the action and see your child swim! We need 24 timers each meet, two timers per lane who work half the meet each. You are not allowed to be on your phone behind the blocks. 

Runner: A runner is a person who collects and distributes lane sheets from the Timers, as well as collects Place Judge and Officials slips at the end of every race and turns them into the scorers' table. We need two runners per meet. 

Ribbon Writer: A ribbon writer is in charge of obtaining labels printed at the scorers' table. These labels contain the swimmers' names that placed in each event. Labels need to be applied to the corresponding place ribbon and filed in the mailboxes under the swimmer's last name. This is the last opportunity to check for any errors to times. This job applies only to the Invitational. There is a delay in when labels are available. You are able to leave this station to watch your kids races, be sure to let the other Ribbon Writer know you are stepping away briefly.

Announcer: This person will use the PA system/microphone to announce what events are coming up, what events are swimming/in the bullpen and the swimmer's name and team name. There may also be other announcements from Coaches/Board. We need two announcers per meet, each working half.

Concessions: Each home meet we run a concessions stand to provide nourishment for swimmers and families, as well as some swag. This is a great fundraiser for the team and we need people to staff the booth. This is a great entry level job as well. It is off deck. This station requires two workers at a time, each working half the meet. You are able to leave this station to watch your kids races, be sure to let the other Concessions worker know you are stepping away briefly.

Place Judge: At the finish end of each race this person determines the order of finish per heat and records that order. It is then combined with the computer table and lane sheets to verify that the correct person is awarded the points for their finish place. This is a backup system in case the timing board has an error. We need two place judges per meet, each working half. Do NOT guess or write the order as seen on the scoreboard. If it is too close to call, circle the two lanes. If you miss it, draw a hashmark for the lanes you missesd.

Other jobs:

Set-up & Tear-down: These "behind the scenes" jobs are some of the most important jobs. Without proper and timely set-up, the swim meet cannot run smoothly. There is a lot of equipment that needs to be set up for a swim meet, and it is imperative that we have the manpower to get it done. Tear-down is equally important; everything we set up must be put away after the meet as well. We ask for everyone's help with either set up and tear down each meet in addition to your manpower position. 

Referee: The Referee is the chief official for each swim meet. He is responsible for the conduct of the meet and is the final authority on the interpretation and enforcement of all swimming rules. He will use a whistle that will signal the swimmers to get into position for the start of the race. When the Referee sees that all the swimmers are ready, he then turns the swimmers over to the Starter. Note: A Referee must be a certified official. We need at least four officials each meet. No experience is necessary but training is required. Please speak to a board member or [email protected] if you are interested!

Starter: The Starter is responsible for ensuring that all swimmers are given a fair and equitable start. The Starter will announce the event, then instruct the swimmers to "take your mark". After all swimmers are ready and still, the starter will start the race using an electronic starting system. This system consists of a public address system, a horn, and a strobe light. A race can be recalled for a false start (ages 6 and under only) or for a safety reason. This is done using a recall signal on the starting system (you'll know it when you hear it!). Note: A Starter must be a certified official. We need one starter each meet.

Stroke and Turn Judges: Once the race has started, the Stroke and Turn Judges are responsible for ensuring that all swimmers obey all the rules for the stroke that they are swimming. These people are typically at the ends of the pool. If a Stroke and Turn Judge sees a violation of the rules, he/she raises a hand to signify that an infraction has occurred. A Disqualification (DQ) is then recorded on that swimmer. If there is a DQ on one person in a relay, it eliminates the whole relay team. The meet Referee is the only person that can overturn a DQ based on rule interpretation or procedure deviation. Note: Stroke and Turn Judges must attend a training. No experience or cost involved in being an official and we are in need of officials for our team. We need at least three starts and turn judges each meet. No experience is necessary but training is required. Please speak to a board member or [email protected] if you are interested!

Computer Operator: The computer operator works with the coaches and a representative from the competing team(s) to enter swimmers into the events they will swim in a meet. During a meet, the computer operator verifies information is received from the timing board and that DQs are properly recorded, makes sure that all times are recorded correctly, and records and prints labels for the Ribbon Writer. This is a great job to shadow to learn more. Please let a board member know if you are interested in learning how to operate the computer and timing system!

Timing Board Operator: During a swim meet, automated timing equipment is used to determine which swimmer placed first, second, third, etc. in an event based on the button pushes of the Timers. Times are recorded and the board is cleared and set up for the next event. This is a great job to shadow to learn more. Please let a board member know if you are interested in learning how to operate the computer and timing system!