Trails in McHenry County Living

Trails Swim Team was featured in the local magazine McHenry County Living in March 2017.

For full article:

Swim teams build lifelong friendships, mental and physical fitness, and are lots of fun!

Watching young kids develop into a powerful swimmers from barely being able to swim from one edge of the pool to the other is just one of the many benefits of being part of a swim team. Regardless of what skill level swimmers start at, they will improve as the days go by with positive coaching and lots of practice.

It’s a confidence boost as kids are rewarded with heat winner tags that decorate their swim bags, as well as placement ribbons and colorful personal bests ribbons – a team favorite. And everyone is recognized at the end of the summer swim season at our awards banquet.

Fitness for Life

Not only does swimming build self-esteem as children develop new skills, the daily exercise will improve overall fitness. Swimming over the summer is a great opportunity to rest overused bones and ligaments while cross-training, which will prepare young athletes to be better at their sport. Swimming is a safe cardiovascular activity that improves stamina, flexibility, strength and balance. It’s also a mental exercise that can help improve emotional health and well-being.

“At the same time, it’s an activity that’s fun and social so that being fit is something they can enjoy the rest of their lives,” said TRAILS Swim Team head coach John Jost, who swam for 12 years with the Algonquin-based summer swim program.

Making Friends

Probably the best part of the team is that many team members become lifelong friends.

Although swimming is considered an individual sport, a good swim program is structured with an emphasis on the team and support for one another. Meets often feel like picnics, with tents and food and summer fun for the entire family. The kids are playing cards, tag or football with each other between swims and writing “eat my bubbles” on each other’s backs, or hanging out with family while siblings climb on the playground nearby.

‘Happy TRAILS’

At TRAILS, social highlights include Fun Fridays with a build-your-own-sundae or poolside breakfast day, a fun swim, crazy hair day and wearing socks in the pool, in addition to a day at Magic Waters at the end of the season with families.

TRAILS practices and has home meets from May 15 through July 17, 2017, at the Lions Armstrong Memorial Pool in Algonquin, and welcomes swimmers aged 5 to 18 to participate. Email Brenda for more: [email protected].