Contact USA Swimming for Safe Sport concerns at (719) 866-4578   Deal with a Safe Sport Concern

Report concerns to the U.S. Center for Safe Sport using the online reporting form, or call (720) 524-5640 or find more information at 

The Center handles ALL reports of sexual abuse within the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movements. Make a report to the Center if you have a reasonable suspicion of sexual misconduct such as child sex abuse, non-consensual sexual conduct, sexual harassment or intimate relationships involving an imbalance of power.

Contact your local authorities if you have a reasonable suspicion that child sexual abuse or neglect has occurred. All reports of child abuse or sexual assault of a minor must also be reported to local authorities. Reports of abuse not involving a minor may also be reported to local authorities.

If you have any questions about how or if something needs to be reported please contact our SDAT SafeSport Representative -

Stephenie Glissmeyer t[email protected]