Pool Rules

The Lifeguards are trained to keep the Pool Area safe and MUST be obeyed at all times. For the safety of our members Lifeguards have the authority to approve personal exercise equipment and/or personal floatation devices.

Children 12 and under must be supervised by a parent or adult at all times. All children that are not yet successfully toilet trained must wear swim diapers to prevent contamination of pool water and the spread of illness. Please use locker rooms to change your child’s suit or diaper.

Swim caps must be worn on people with hair longer than one inch. Proper swim attire must be worn.

Absolutely No Playing in the Revolving Door. One person per chamber allowed in the revolving door at a time. Door must be rotated slowly and carefully.

Absolutely No Diving, running or rough play. Use of the starting blocks is strictly prohibited except during swim team practice and under strict supervision of a qualified coach.

Food, candy, gum or glass containers are not permitted in the pool area. No alcohol, drugs or illegal substances allowed on pool property.

Sitting, hanging on or climbing over lane lines is not allowed.

Any person having an infectious or communicable disease is prohibited from using a public pool. Persons having open blisters, cuts, or wounds are not advised to use the pool.

Spitting, spouting water, nose blowing or discharging bodily wastes in the pool is strictly prohibited.

We require our members to be courteous and polite to one another. Please understand that during peak /busy times lane sharing and/or circle swimming may be required.

To keep the pool area and water clean, street shoes and strollers are not allowed in pool area. Please keep all personal belongings together and out of traffic areas on the deck.

Everyone, adults and children alike will follow pool policies and conduct him or herself in a manner that will not cause harm to themselves or others in the pool area. Failure to do so may result in suspension of pool privileges.

Please note:  Each pool patron is responsible for becoming familiar with all posted rules.  By entering the facility, the patron summarily agrees to abide by all written rules and verbal instructions given by the Pool management and lifeguarding staff.