Gold’s Aquatics Club was founded in 2007 in Woodinville, WA. We started the team with 20 swimmers and one coach. Our oldest swimmer at the time was 12 years old and it was our vision to create a program that would highlight the benefits of a high-quality program while continually considering the needs of all our swimmers. We focused on having a team that took all facets of development into concern when forming our training groups. We considered the emotional and physical growth stages into account, to create a positive training environment for all.

We choose to limit our youngest swimmers' training options to allow them to explore other activities, as well as leave time for them to just be kids. This approach allows us to use the practice time we have to keep our swimmers focused on specific training aspects. As our Age Group swimmers progress through our program, they have expanded options and expectations for training.

Our Senior program has three different paths so that we can continue to meet the needs of our swimmers at each training level. We have the Senior Intro Group, Senior Black, and Senior Gold options. Each training group has its time standard and attendance expectation.  This is a busy time of life for our athletes, and we want to be able to meet them, where they are and assist in their commitment and goals. For some of our swimmers, it is fitness, for others, it’s focusing on attending national-level meets and college swimming.

As our swimmers continue to develop, we re-evaluate group placement at the start of the season, in December, March, and again in June. This allows us to have the greatest impact in our groups, with the least impact on training. We want to be sure our swimmers are prepared to feel successful with each move.

In the last several years we have had swimmers graduate and many of those swimmers going on to swim at a college level. We are proud to say that we have assisted each of our swimmers interested in swimming in college to find a school and program that is good for them. We have past swimmers participating in Division I, II, and III. It has been exciting to be a part of their dreams and success, and we look forward to them joining us for training when they are home on breaks! 

Gold’s Aquatics Club Woodinville has an amazingly supportive family base. We have been able to share in the lives of many great families and look forward to building our future with new families.