In order to become a swim official at competitions, an individual must first get education through the Swimming Canada Officiating Clinics. An official can attend in-person instructor delivered clinics through their clubs, online live instructor-led webinars or through the Swimming Canada Education website for Officials with e-modules.
To register a clinic, login to REMS, only Member Status is Active can login to LMS
Go to Clinic
If you don't have time to attend clinic, you can take emodule
Official Development:
There are certain requirements to learn a clinic or volunteer at the position, all officials should follow the steps to become an adequate official at various stages of development:
Step 1: Complete “Intro to officiating” & “Safety Marshal” clinic.
Your are Level 1 official
Step 2: Volunteer on deck as a Timekeeper (Timer). Complete “Inspector of Turns” clinic.
Step 3: Volunteer on deck as a Timer or Inspector of Turns (IT).
Step 4: Obtain 2 on-deck evaluations for Timer from 2 different meets, and 2 on-deck evaluations for Inspector of Turns from 2 different meets.
You are certified Timer and Inspector of Turns
Step 5: Complete “Judge of Strokes” clinic.
Step 6: Email [email protected] to request opportunity of being Judge of Strokes (SJ).
Step 7: Volunteer on deck as Judge of Strokes and obtain 1 on-deck evaluation after 3 sessions of being SJ.
You are ready to become a senior official
Step 8: Complete level 2 clinic “Chief Timer” and/or “Administration Desk” and/or “Recorder” and/or “CJE/CFJ”.
Step 9: Work on deck as a senior official on the position that you have completed the corresponding clinic.
Step10: Record every deck experience in “Deck Log” in RTR (
Step11: Obtain 2 on-deck evaluations for one position: Chief Timer, or Administration Desk ,or CJE/CFJ.
You are certified Level 2 official
Step12: Obtain 2 on-deck evaluations for another position.
Step13: If you are interested in "Starter", you must be certified “Chief Timer” and “Administration Desk” before taking clinic "Starter". If you are interested in “Meet Manager”, you must have experience of being “Administration Desk” and “Recorder”.
Step14: Obtain 2 on-deck evaluations for all positions: Chief Timer, Administration Desk, CJE/CFJ and Starter.
Step15: Apply for Level 3 and will be sucessed if you worked in away meets and worked on every position frequently.
You are certified Level 3 official
Step16: Complete clinic “Referee”.
Step17: Work on deck as shadow Referee.
Step18: Work on deck as Referee after you have been approved by Level 4 or 5. Obtain Referee experience in 5 different meets (different competition level, different setting). Obtain 2 on-deck evaluations. Then you can apply for Level 4.
You are Level 4 official
For more information about official certification pathway, visit Certification
For more information about Referee development, visit Referee Development
Requirement for placing in the senior official position
Position | Requirement |
Shadow Chief Timer | Took CT clinic and certified on Timer and Inspector of Turns (IT)
Chief Timer | Completed shadow sessions and certified on Judge of Stroke (JS) |
Shadow Admin Desk |
Took AD clinic and certified on Timer and IT |
Admin Desk | Completed shadow sessions and certified on JS |
Shadow Recorder |
Took Recorder clinic and certified on Timer and IT |
Recorder | Completed shadow sessions and certified on JS |
Shadow CFJ/CJE | Took CFJ/CJE clinic, certified on Timer and IT, and completed Recorder sessions |
CFJ/CJE | Completed shadow sessions and certified on JS |
Shadow Starter | Took Starter clinic and certified on CT and AD |
Starter | Completed shadow sessions |
*Certified role: obtained 2 deck evaluations (Judge of Stroke only require 1 evaluation)