Club Information

The Regina Marlins is a competitive and recreational speed swimming club. 

“Swimming with the Marlins has helped me learn how to push through the hard times even when I don’t feel like pushing and that always doing your best is always enough.”


“Swimming with the Marlins is fun and challenging.”


“Swimming with the Marlins gives me motivation to be fit.  Setting and achieving personal goals makes me feel like a winner!”


“I have been swimming with the marlins as long as I can remember.  I have had a lot of fun and made a lot of new friends.”


“I love swimming with the Marlins because we have close relationships formed, small groups, individualized coaching and overall, just really fun!!”


These are the thoughts and ideas we hear from our swimmers.  The Regina Marlins offer an environment of friendship, fitness and personal growth to our swimmers who can range in age from 4 to 21 years of age.  The goal of our club is to improve each swimmer’s stroke ability, endurance and confidence through professional coaching and training.  In addition to our high-quality competitive swimming, we maintain a strong emphasis on leadership, participation and recreational swimming.

We are a non-profit corporation that has operated successfully in Regina since 1967.  We are affiliated with Swim Saskatchewan and Swim Canada.

Club Philosophy

Children who learn to love sport and to live active lives through participation in sport will develop healthy bodies and healthy lifestyles.

Every athlete should have the opportunity to strive for and achieve as much success as she or he chooses in an environment that promotes self-esteem and develops self-confidence. There is minimal risk of injury if training schedules are reasonable and conducted under the guidance of trained and caring coaches.

How is this philosophy accomplished?

Group Placement: Swimmers are placed in a swim group based on the swimmer's age, leadership skills, maturity, physical development, needs and swimming ability. A swimmer will only change groups after the coach, parents and athlete have discussed the pros and cons of changing.

Approximate practice hours are:

  • Developmental and Non Competitive 0.5-3 hours/ week
  • White Group 4 hours/week
  • Blue Group 6 hrs/week
  • Red Group 8 hrs/week
  • Senior Group 12+ hrs/week


Because every athlete grows at a different rate, matures differently, swims a different speed and is completely unique, it is important for training to reflect these differences. The coaching staff will strive to see that each athlete's training is as individualized as possible within a large group.