Regina Marlins Member Fundraising (2023-2024)
The Regina Marlins tries to keep swimmer fees as low as possible. As a small club, the Regina Marlins requires the participation of all member families—competitive, non-competitive, and Mini Marlins, although not every fund raiser is mandatory.
Regina Marlins Swim Meets (Mandatory)
Hosting a Swim Meet is a big commitment for a swim club and generates revenue for the club through fees charged to participants, raffles and sale of programs. To make our Swim Meet a success, we need the help of every family -- Mini Marlins, Competitive and non-Competitive Families:
Mini Marlins and Non-Competitive families who do not have a competitive swimmer will be asked to:
- Contribute to the fundraising efforts with a providing an item for the raffle.
- They are also encouraged to help out with other volunteer tasks, such as selling programs, selling raffle tickets, or officiating, if they are qualified. This is a fantastic way to get to know the sport and get to know more families.
All Competitive Families are required to:
- Work 3 shifts (approximately 4 hours each) at the Marlins 1½ day swim meet; or
- Work 4 shifts (approximately 4 hours each) at the Marlins 2 day swim meet.
- Provide, solicit or supplement (up to $10 which may be charged to your family account) the cost of raffle prize(s).
- Bring food/drink as requested for the hospitality room.
- There is a charge of $50 per missed shift.
Competitive Marlins Family Fundraising Fee (Competitive Swimmers Only)
All competitive Marlins swimmers pay a mandatory annual fundraising fee. Competitive families must work at least one Bingo, which can be used to offset the fundraising fee. The annual fundraising fee will be divided and applied monthly to your account. If your child moves to a different group during the season, your Family Fundraising Fee will be pro-rated. See the Groups tab for information about fees.
Bingo (Optional for Minis and Non-Competitive; One Mandatory Bingo for Competitive Parents)
"Bingo season" is 12 months - September to August.
All families are welcome to work Bingos and the more Bingos we work, the more the club makes. Bingo revenue contributes to rental of pool time. When you work a Bingo, your family account is credited for $70. If two people from your family work at a Bingo, you will receive a $140 credit. (Remember, Competitive families must work at least one Bingo each year.)
You can sign up for Bingo by clicking on the Events tab and selecting the Bingo you would like to work. Then click on Job Sign Up to volunteer. Be sure to email [email protected] when you sign up for a Bingo. As well, please ensure you sign up at least 7 days in advance and if you must miss a shift, find an alternate worker or contact [email protected] and [email protected] at least 24 hours in advance. Missed shifts will be charged $100. Additional information about Bingo is available below.
Sarcan Drop and Go (Optional for Minis, Non-Competitive, and Competitive Parents)
The Marlins have a drop and go account with Sarcan. This account provides families and friends the opportunity to support the Marlins ongoing throughout the year. Simply take your Sarcan recycling to any Sarcan drop and go location and enter the phrase "Support Marlins Swimming". Please make sure to enter the phrase with spaces, case doesn't matter. Funds will be sent directly to the swim club. For more information on the Drop-and-Go program, please visit Sarcan's web page or watch this short video on what to expect.
Swim-A-Thon (Optional)
We will have a Swim-a-thon in spring. The Swim-a-thon has three objectives: team-building, goal-setting and fund-raising. Swim-a-thon is organized through Swimming Canada with 90% of the proceeds flowing to the Club and the remaining 10% going to Swimming Canada. Each swimmer sets a swimming goal with their coach and a fundraising goal with their parents. Each family has an online portal to encourage friends and family members to support them.
Personal Fundraising
A number of optional fundraising activities may also be available throughout the year. 70% of the net profit of any fundraising activity will be applied to the swimmer's account. The other 30% of the net profit would remain with the club. If you have an idea for a fund-raiser, contact anyone on the board.
More About Bingo
Our Club Administrator posts all of our Bingo dates on the Events tab of our website and sends an email to let you know about the dates. All Bingo events are at Fantasyland Bingo Centre located on Park and Victoria Ave behind the Burger King restaurant, 2029 Park St (565-0585).
On average there are around 4 to 5 bingo dates in the month to choose from. You can pick the date which will work for you. All workers must be 16 years of age or older.
On Bingo Day:
- Please arrive by 5:20 p.m. for evening Bingos and by 11:15 a.m. for early Bingos.
- PLEASE BE PUNCTUAL SO THAT WE CAN START SELLING PAPER ON TIME. It is very important that no one is late for their shifts in order for us to maintain a good reputation.
- When you arrive at the hall, check with the bingo captain regarding your assigned job and its duties.
- When the bingo is over, all workers must stay to help clean up. This only takes a few minutes when we all pitch in.