Team Traditions
Welcome to the Katy Aquatics team traditions page. Here you will find information and links to traditions established by Katy as a team through the years. This page will continue to grow and improve as traditions are remembered and introduced - a new memory could be made at any time! Have fun reading and GO KATY!!!
The Legend and the Return of Pink Floyd
We start at the beginning: On the morning of Joe Watson's (now coach Watson of Katy High School) seventeenth birthday in 2001, he awoke to find two pink flamingos sitting on his front lawn with no rhyme or reason as to how they wound up there. Joe took them in as his own and named them Roger and Floyd. While Roger enjoyed most of his time in the comfort of Joe's home or swim bag, Floyd traveled with Joe to many a practice and meet, becoming the team's un-official mascot. There were cheers involving his name, which some of the old-timers can barely remember, t-shirts with his image, and a fun time was had by all.
Upon Mr. Watson's graduation, Floyd was entrusted to the care of one Evan Ryser. Brian Regone, Jordan Ryan, and Bobby Aertker served as Floyd’s additional chaperones. Thus began a tradition of handing down Floyd, the Katy Aquatics "Unofficial" mascot. However, at the twilight of winter many moons ago Floyd was lost and the memory of flamingo was sent astray. Floyd’s legend began to fade, his existence only recalled by quiet whispers from the elders and his image on ancient t-shirts. Yet at the dawn of the spring of the year 2014, Floyd returned to Katy Aquatics triumphant and now rest under the protection of the chosen senior Lindsay Shabet. So the legend and the tradition continues….