
Do you have a unique talent, hobby, or profession? 

We need your help! Our program depends on parent volunteers. We cannot operate without you.  Your involvement can be anything from timing at meets–all teams must provide timers–to becoming President of the club.

Board positions are very important; so are USA Swimming Officials. If you are interested in either, we will help you get started and certified. Even if you’re not a swimmer yourself, if’s a great way to meet other parents and stay involved in your child’s life. 

If there is something that you believe you can offer but do not see listed, make the suggestion. 


Swimming needs people like you!

At Meets:

No USA Swimming certification needed:
Timer, Clerk of Course, Marshall, Concessions, Meet Manager.

USA Swimming certification needed:
Stroke & Turn Judge, Starter, Referee.

Board Members:
Meet Manager
Safe Sport Coordinator
Equipment Manager
GVSL Representative
Officials Coordinator


Other Positions:
Special Events Coordinator
Fundraising Coordinator
Swim-a-Thon Chair
Banquet Chair



Get involved and volunteer–help make RRST a better team!

Contact one of our board members for more information.