Mandatory Parent Participation FAQs

1.   Why do I need to Participate?

Swim Meets and events can not run without parent participation.  There are many jobs that must be filled in order for a swim meet to run and this requires participation by every family. When a family does not do their part to fill a volunteer slot, other families end up having to fill multiple slots, putting extra work on others. When every family fills their volunteer slot, many hands make light work.


2.  Why does our team need to host meets?

This is a multi-faceted answer.  

  • New Mexico Swimming requires teams to host meets.  We need to meet our responsibilities of hosting meets and providing meets to our sport.
  • We need to host meets to help cover costs to allow our monthly dues to be lower.
  • Hosting meets helps us ensure our swimmers have access to meets/events that they might not be able to attend.  

3. I can't help because I need to be there for my swimmer(s)

Ok..Ok, this isn't a question, but it is a concern.  

  • All meets have parents with swimmers in the meet (or on the team).  If we catered to this challenge, we would have no competitions at all.
  • We can show you how parents are able to do both by teaching them what to do.  This self sufficiency and accountability is important for the growth and development of the swimmer.
  • If you are still not comfortable with the above solution, other parents sign up to work sessions that their swimmers are not in.  That way there are no issues/ challenges.
  • Another option that is used is they find someone else to fulfill their responsibilities.  ie older sibling, partner, relative, or friend.



4.  Do I need to help if my swimmer isn't in the meet?

Yes, everyone enjoys the lower monthly dues whether they are competing or not.  Everyone needs to contribute to helping keep them low.  A team needs everyone helping to be as strong as it can be.  One benefit is having your swimmer show up to watch and cheer on their teammates.  


5.  What if I will be out of town during the meet?  Will I be assessed the opt out fee?

Yes.  Hosting meets is very expensive.  We prefer to have parents donate their time to help us put on a meet but the opt out fee is also very helpful for putting the competition on.  


6.  What do I sign up for since I don't know how to do any of those jobs?  

We are here to help!  Don't let not knowing prevent you from signing up to help your team.  We will show you how to do any job that you sign up for before the meet and if there is an issue/mistake, we will be there for you as well.  

Here is a link that has descriptions of each role and their responsibilities.

MAKO Aquatics Club - Meet Job Descriptions and Duties (