Rio Rancho Aquatic Center

745 Loma Colorado Dr NE
Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87124

Team Inquiry - 505.463.9339    Pool - (505) 891-5230

Click Here for a Swim Placement Test


INCLEMENT WEATHER: If the weather seems questionable and you want to avoid driving to the Aquatic Center to find out if practice is cancelled just call the aquatic center at 891-5235. Also, if city offices are closed then the Aquatic Center will be closed as well. That information can be found on the city website.


Click here for Holidays Pool is Closed 





Los Altos Pool

10100 Lomas Blvd NE,

Albuquerque, NM 87112

Team Inquiry - 505.463.9339    Pool - (505)768-4901

Click Here for a Swim Placement Test



INCLEMENT WEATHER: If the weather seems questionable and you want to avoid driving to the Aquatic Center to find out if practice is cancelled just call the aquatic center.




Kirtland Pool

Bldg 20229
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87116

Team Inquiry - 505.463.9339    

Click Here for a Swim Placement Test




Las Cruces Natatorium

1405 E Hadley Ave

Las Cruces NM 88001

Team Inquiry - 505.463.9339    




MAKO Aquatics Club Safety Action Plan

All precautions will be taken by coaches, lifeguards, parents and swimmers to make the Rio Rancho Aquatic Center a safe environment for all.  No running will be allowed on or around the pool deck. Roughhousing among swimmers will be discouraged and dealt with immediately should it arise.  The majority of pool injuries occur because of one of these two incidences. Prevention is the best way to protect everyone. We will use the help of coaches, parents, and lifeguards to enforce this.

Anytime MAKO is using the aquatic center there will be certified lifeguards on deck. In the case of an emergency contact the closest coach or lifeguard, and if necessary call 911 from a cell phone or the front desk. Stay on the line until help arrives.  The Rio Rancho Aquatic Center is equipped with an AED should it be needed. 

Pool safety both in and out of the water will remain a top priority. Parents are urged to watch out for children as they come in and out of the Aquatic Center.  We strongly encourage parents to escort their children in and through the locker rooms until they arrive safely in to the eyesight of their coach. The exit procedure should be the same. Do not allow swimmers to come and go from the pool deck without adult supervision. This is for their safety and protection.  In the case of a parent running late or leaving during practice please notify the coach and another parent that can help keep an eye on your swimmer as well as be an emergency contact.