December Newsletter

Jeremiah Stanton

Team Newsletter

Volume 7, Issue 12


There's swimming and then there's MAKO SWIMMING!  Thank you for being a part of the difference!
MAKO Family,

We were swimming fast and we were swimming hard in November!  We had tremendous success in the water with practices and swim meets!  We had tremendous success out of the water with our Coat Drive and Polar Bear Challenge!  This December we will work to continue our success this season!  To do this, we need everyone helping out.  Please see below for more details.  

  • Evaluating Swim Meets - Click Here.  There's too much info to put in the newsletter but it is crucial to help give our swimmers a strong mind/attitude.
  • Water Bottles - Please have swimmers come to practices with their own water bottles or Gatorade type drink.  With this being the cold season, drinking out of the fountain is not a good idea.  Sharing water bottles is also not a good idea.
  • Proper Nutrition - If possible, please include dark leafy greens, fruits and other veggies in your athlete's diet.  For training and competition, carbs help fuel the muscles and protein helps repair them after the meet is over.  Here is Olympian Natalie Caughlin stressing the importance of proper nutrition.  
  • Illness - if your swimmer isn't feeling well, please keep them home so that they can heal quicker and they don't get anyone else sick.

New Mexico Swimming has asked us to host a meet in January.  The format the coaches wanted to do this time around was an IMR/IMX Challenge to give our swimmers a chance to complete the events needed to get a score from USA Swimming.  This will be a 2 session meet on January 14th to avoid high school meets.  We will need all hands-on deck again to help run the meet!
Parent Participation FAQs
Parent Job Descriptions



Upcoming Events 
(Please Make Sure You Look at Meet Info or Talk to Your Coach to See if Its The Right Meet For Your Swimmer)
If you are unsure of what time standards are please  click here.

No Practice Dates: 
All Locations:
12/9 - Highschool Swim Meet
12/22 - River of Lights Team Outting
12/25 - Christmas
1/1 - New Years

Rio Rancho
12/23 - Pool Closure

12/13-15 - For Coach Devi's Performance!!!
12/28-1/7 - Holiday Break 


Events and Meets
9th-10th - Candy Cane Races 
  • This is a good open meet for all swimmers to compete in.  The entry deadline has already passed.  Good luck this weekend!
14th-17th - Pro-Am Meet
  • This is a really fast meet where our Senior Swimmers get to race against Olympians!  Good Luck Performance Group!
22nd - River of Lights Team Outing
  • We will go to River of Lights instead of practice!  See the event page for more details!
Jan 14th - MAKO IMX/IMR Challenge Meet
  • This is a team hosted meet designed to help our swimmers get their IMX scores.  


Team Group Chats
  • Click here to get the quick updates about practices for each group!

Learning Centers
GoTime Athletics
Swim Lesson Reservations
Social Media
Swim Apps to keep you connected to the Team
  •  Check out these apps that are designed to help you find the info you need right on your phone or tablet! 
Swim Assist
Happy Birthday to our December Birthday Swimmers!
Roby Poffenberger
Michael Larranaga
David Gomez
Isa Sullivan
Devi Piper
Guha Hari
Bremin Espinosa
Baileigh Hart Culpepper
Isabella Park
Avery Chavez
Charlie Crooks
Meredith Gibbs
Cole Johnson
Patrick Knight
Ella Pearce
Journey Allison
Xavier McIntosh
Christian Woods

New Team Records!!!
Event Record Holder(s) Date Set Time
Male 10-10 100 Back Johnson, Cole R 11/18/2023 1:16.00
Female 16-16 1650 Fr Chavez, Liliana M 11/17/2023 20:40.77

Five Words That Will Help You Reach Your Goals

For many swimmers, the holiday-training season will have a significant impact on whether they reach their goals for this season or come up short. The end-of-December, early-January training period can often be the most difficult part of your training, which can also make it the most important part of your training.

Far too many swimmers lose their intensity and motivation during this emotionally and physically challenging timeframe. The days are short during this winter grind, the practices tend to be brutal and most swimmers are already pretty fatigued by this point.

The key question that comes up here is “how do you maintain your focus and intensity so that you don't give in to the natural impulse to space out and back down?”

Last fall, I talked about needing to carry your personal goals into these tough practices with you, your “big enough why.” The article focused on using your goals to remind yourself of why you are putting all of this effort out and why you should push yourself in practice when you might be bored, exhausted or in too much pain to continue to go hard. I also mentioned four key words that will provide you with the ultimate success strategy that will take you to success in everything you do, both in and out of the pool: Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

I would like to expand on this specific success strategy in more detail, especially because if you really want to turn those dreams into a reality, then you'll need to live it during your training and into the new year.

Just to review, “getting comfortable being uncomfortable” means that you want to continually push yourself out of your physical and emotional comfort zones. Simply put, you want to push yourself to do the difficult, unpleasant and often anxiety-provoking things that many swimmers tend to avoid as if it were a plague. When you do push through those hurdles, when you practice getting comfortable being uncomfortable, you will expand the things that you can do and shrink those things that you think you can't do. 

Keep in mind that if you don't stretch your limits, you'll end up setting your limits!

Pushing yourself physically is self-explanatory: when you're tired and want to back down, you simply step on the gas and go harder. Handling pain and fatigue from oxygen debt in these cases is predominantly mental. That is, you improve your ability to push through pain mentally by keeping your focus in the now, on the feel of what you're doing, one stroke at a time.

Pushing yourself emotionally requires that you go against your thoughts, doubts and anxiety about leading the lane, going into a faster lane, working on your weaknesses or trying to keep up with faster swimmers. When those negative thoughts arise, you do not want to give them space in your mind. Instead, you want to constructively distract yourself by focusing on the feel of your own movement through the water.

Whenever you question and challenge your perceived limitations, you will grow and develop both as a swimmer and a person. I say this because you are always limited most by what you think and believe are your boundaries. 

Something to understand is that performance is always self-fulfilling. This means that you'll always get what you expect.

If you tell yourself repeatedly that you cannot do something, then your attempts at going against this self-limiting belief will always be half-hearted. Whenever you do attempt something that you think is difficult and, perhaps even “impossible” and your motivation is weak, you will be less likely to persist and keep trying.

However, if you continuously tell yourself, “I can do this,” then when you do run into difficulty, failure or obstacles, your adversity will not dampen your motivation or efforts to persist with the task. Simply put, you will likely have more motivation until you're ultimately successful. 

This self-fulfilling nature of performance is important for you to keep in mind every time you attempt to step outside of your comfort zone. Why? Because every time you try to “get comfortable being uncomfortable,” you'll always be greeted by self-doubts, anxiety and feelings of inadequacy. These emotions, while hard to ignore, will then feed your negative thinking and self-doubts even more.

Your job, whenever you hear this kind of internal negativity, is to push through it by focusing even more on what you're doing in the moment. You should stay focused on what you're doing, one stroke at a time, and suspend your judgment about whether you think you can or cannot.

As you get to the other side of this challenging holiday-training season and you're feeling tired, bored or burnt out, embrace the “get comfortable being uncomfortable” strategy and, when you start hearing that negative loop running in your head, have a positive attitude to fight through the doubts.

Remember, if you think you can or you think you cannot, you're absolutely right!