April Newsletter

Jeremiah Stanton

Team Newsletter

Volume 8, Issue 4


There's swimming and then there's MAKO SWIMMING!  Thank you for being a part of the difference!
MAKO Family,

Another fantastic season is in the books!  The huge gains we made in all aspects of our team has been fantastic!  This will help set us up for success in the upcoming Long Course Competitions!  

Our Season Celebration is right around the corner!  If you are able to attend, please sign up online with how many are coming in your party.  If you have pics or videos from this past season please upload them here!  



We have our annual Memorial Day Swim Meet in Arizona.  The time standards are a little wonky for the SCY (short course yards) time standards.  Please look at the spreadsheet we send out.  To keep it simple, if your swimmer(s) have times that are faster than the yards times we sent out, please sign them up if you can attend.  We will send it out to the team again soon. 
Upcoming Events 
(Please Make Sure You Look at Meet Info or Talk to Your Coach to See if Its The Right Meet For Your Swimmer)
If you are unsure of what time standards are please  click here.

No Practice Dates: 
All Locations:


Events and Meets

April 27th - Mountain Spring Open
  • This is our first long course meet!  This will be in Los Alamos!
May 24th-27th - Speedo Arizona Invite
  • This is our annual Memorial Day Swim Meet.  Please check your emails for the correct 12 and under yards conversion times.  If they meet those times, then sign them up and the coaches will adjust things.  



Team Group Chats
  • Click here to get the quick updates about practices for each group!

Learning Centers
GoTime Athletics
Swim Lesson Reservations
Social Media
Swim Apps to keep you connected to the Team
  •  Check out these apps that are designed to help you find the info you need right on your phone or tablet! 
Swim Assist
Happy Birthday to our March Birthday Swimmers!
Hailey Evans
Christian DeCourcey
Elam George
Emily Willink
Grasen Willink
Harper Herbert
Maya Bonnett
Lorelai Apodaca
Liliana Chavez
preston Day
Scarlett Webb
Avianna Alonzo
Layla Kozlick
Ashleigh Munson
Caleb Solis
Ava Schlosser
New Team Records!!!
Event Record Holder(s) Date Set Time
Male 18-18 200 Fly Paul, Benjamin A 03/10/2024 2:11.08
Male 18-18 200 Free Paul, Benjamin A 03/09/2024 1:53.36
Male 18-18 500 Free Paul, Benjamin A 03/08/2024 5:19.15
Male 17-17 100 Free Rice, Carson C 03/10/2024 48.50
Male 14-14 50 Free Hari, Guha I 03/08/2024 22.97
Male 14-14 100 Free Hari, Guha I 03/10/2024 51.04
Male 11-11 50 Back Johnson, Cole R 03/08/2024 33.10
Male 11-11 100 Fly Johnson, Cole R 03/08/2024 1:14.38
Male 17 & Over 500 Fr Paul, Benjamin A 03/08/2024 5:19.15
Female 18-18 100 Br Matthew, Jude R 03/08/2024 1:12.85
Female 18-18 200 Br Matthew, Jude R 03/09/2024 2:44.78
Female 16-16 50 Free Schlosser, Ava J 03/08/2024 24.46
Female 16-16 100 Br Chavez, Liliana M 03/08/2024 1:07.65
Female 16-16 200 Br Chavez, Liliana M 03/09/2024 2:31.64
Female 13-13 50 Free Moody, Kendal M 03/08/2024 25.65

The Biggest Performance-Disrupting Mental Mistake Made By Swimmers and How to Avoid It


I've written on this topic before, and it is worth repeating again as some of you are preparing for your bigger meets this long-course season. If you want to swim your best under pressure, then you need to master this fundamental understanding!

Far too many swimmers, at so many levels, misuse their goals leading up to and at race time and this mental mistake robs them of an opportunity to swim their best when it counts the most.

The TRUE PURPOSE of your goals:
Your dreams in swimming, the cuts that you so desperately want, those other swimmers who you'd really like to beat serve one critical purpose in your sport: They are a motivational tool for practice only and their job is to get you to work harder right now!

You should only use these outcome goals in those practices where you're struggling, feeling like you want to back down, feeling discouraged or de-motivated! It's at those times in the middle of these tough practices that you want to be able to ask yourself, “How is what I'm doing right now going to help me get to where I want to go?” (that cut, recruited by college coaches, qualify for that big meet, beat my arch-rival, etc.)

When you directly connect your goals with what you're actually doing in this moment in training, then you will lift the quality of your practice! You will get more out of practice and improve faster!

Your goals in swimming should never be used in practice as a stick to beat yourself up with because you're going slow, not making the interval or getting beaten by certain teammates. Even more important, you should never bring your outcome goals with you into your races! Bringing your time and place goals with you when it counts will only make you nervous, tighten your muscles up and kill your confidence, making it impossible for you to swim fast when it counts. Plus, bringing your goals on deck with you at those big meets will kill your fun and passion for racing, and when the fun leaves your race, it will take with it your fast times!

Keeping your goals away from your racing is one of the key basics in good mental mechanics. This is because your goals are a future focus that involves thinking, and when you race, you want your concentration in the now on the feel of what you're doing, both behind the blocks pre-race and during the race on one stroke at a time.

When you allow your focus to drift ahead to outcome, you'll stress yourself out and sabotage your race performance. However, when you keep your focus in the now, on what you are doing, you'll give yourself the biggest chance to translate all of your hard training into a great swim. 

Allow yourself to entertain those big, exciting, scary goals in practice and use them to motivate you to work harder when you train, but then remind yourself to leave that outcome focus at home when it's time to race!