How to Join/What to Expect

If you are new to the team, contact the coaching staff via email to set up a time for an assessment of your potential swimmer. We will then place them in the appropriate group based on their experience and where their current skills and fitness best fit the team.

The practice schedule changes throughout the year and is found on the website under the RESOURCES section. This is where you will also find information about swim meets. This section also contains important information about our team expectations for both parents and athletes, parent guidehow to attend swim meets, and much more. This is a great resource for you and your swimmer(s).

All of the group requirements are also found through the main page under the SWIM GROUPS tab.

New athletes to the team will pay a yearly USA Swimming registration fee and their first month’s dues within the first week of joining the team. The coaches will guide you through this process.

The cost for each group is between $95 and $200/month and can be found on the current schedule in the resources section.

There are many helpful links found here that can help you begin to familiarize yourself with our great sport. USA Swimming is the largest, most functional, and best youth sport in the country with over 400,000 active members. USA Swimming coaches have attained certification through both USA Swimming and the American Swimming Coaches Association through background checks, athlete safety certifications, educational requirements, and ongoing professional development.