Parents are an essential part of swim meets. You not only cheer on the swimmers, but you also run the meet. We have over 200 volunteer shifts to fill over the course of the season, so WE NEED YOU!! For the 2024 season, every family will be required to volunteer for three half meets. Home meets require more volunteers than away meet. Each half meet is approximately 2 hours, but that can vary depending on the size of the meet and weather delays.

We ask that if you cannot perform a volunteer shift for which you have signed up, that you first try to find another parent to switch shifts with. If you are not able to switch, then we would ask that you let a swim representative know as soon as possible so that we can find someone to fill your shift. Meets CANNOT continue without the appropriate volunteers. 

Whatever your talents and time allow, we have a volunteer slot for you. When everyone volunteers, we have efficient meets, we help the team and we set a good example for our children. So please sign up and be ready, willing and have a positive attitude when you receive a call from one of your swim representatives. 

For more information, please see our "Trained Volunteers" and "Untrained Volunteers" job descriptions on the "Volunteer" dropdown menu.