
All Midlakes Officials are required to attend at least one training prior to each season.  

Updates from Midlakes Officials Administrator will be sent out periodically throughout the season.  Feel free to contact the Officials Administrator via e-mail if you have any questions.

If you need verification that your Club's Officials have completed training, please contact the Officials Administrator directly.

Officials Administrator: 

James Weinrod


2024 Training Schedule


2024 Midlakes Officials Training

This year, there are two types of training. The "S&T Certification" classes are for newer officials with less than 2 years experience, or for anyone who wants a comprehensive review. The recertification clinics include a S&T review and a Starter/Referee clinic, and is for experienced officials. Please note that experienced S&T officials may sign up for only the S&T part of the clinic. Starters/Referees, new or returning, must attend the entire clinic. Please contact me if none of the dates work for you.

S&T Certification Clinics: May 21, May 29, June 3 from 6:00-8:00pm

Recertification/Starter/Referee Clinics: May 20, May 22, May 30 from 6:00-8:30pm

The Sign-Up Genius link to clinic registration is here:

The link for the Zoom meetings is here:

Topic: MSL Officials training

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 3981 3750
Passcode: 266051

Dial by your location
• +1 253 205 0468 US
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 862 3981 3750
Passcode: 266051

Find your local number:


2024 USA Swimming Officials Roster

Once again, USA Swimming officials do not need to attend a clinic unless they plan to work above their certification. S&T officials should sign up for the starter/referee clinic if they plan to work either role.

The Sign-Up Genius link to add your name to this year's roster is here:

Feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions.


2024 Officials requirements:

Starters and Referees must be separate positions and Midlakes-certified. They do NOT have to be USA-certified.

If you can staff a Chief Judge to supervise and support S&T Officials, great, but it is not required.

Relay Exchange judges do NOT need to attend Midlakes training, but we certainly encourage it to develop skills. Relay judges MUST be trained on their responsibilities by the Referee at each meet.


M.  Officials for Meets (Midlakes Operating Plan)

  1. Dual Meet Officials should include (minimum):
    1. 1 Meet Referee each half, who at minimum has attended the Midlakes Starter/Referee training for the current year
    2. 1 Starter each half, who has attended the Midlakes Starter training for the current year, and who may NOT act as referee while simultaneously acting as Starter
    3. 1 Chief Judge Official each half, who provides guidance to S&T Judges, checks DQ slips, and assists the Referee. This is OPTIONAL, but should be filled if possible
    4. 2 Stroke and Turn Officials (one from each team) each half
    5. If USA swimming officials are present, the preferred hierarchy to fill roles is:
      1. Meet Referee
      2. Chief Judge
      3. Starter
      4. Eg - if one USA-certified official is present, s/he will serve as Referee. If 2 USA officials are present, the Referee and CJ positions should be filled, etc.

Additional required volunteers:

2 Relay Exchange judges for 200-relays; 4 judges for 100-relay


Rule update (posted in 2016)

USA swimming changed the rule on Kinesio Tape a short time ago but after all Midlakes training was held. Since the board did not vote on the change prior to the season starting, the Midlakes rule stays the same for 2016 and beyond.  Tape is allowed with an accompanied doctors note.


2023 Communication to Officials: