This page is intended to aggregate all information related to the Safe Sport Program in Middle Atlantic Swimming®.


Links, or suggested content are welcome to be sent to the Middle Atlantic Swimming's® Safe Sport Chair,
Will Gallagher - [email protected]

The National Center for Safe Sport has a 24/7 help line for reporting sexual abuse and confidential counseling for victims. Specialists provide live, confidential, one-on-one support. 866-200-0796


USA Swimming has policies for interaction with minor athletes (MAAPPS). All members are expected to be aware of the policies. All 18 yr. old athletes must take the Athlete Protection Training on the USA Swimming website within 30 days of their 18th birthday. Failure to comply with taking the training within 30 days of their birthday will result in an athlete's USA membership being suspended and not able to compete in USA competitions, both local and national.

Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy 2.0 (MAAPP 2.0 effective September 1, 2021)



USA Swimming Safe Sport Page

The USA Swimming Background Check has been in place since January 2011. All non-athlete members of USA-S must complete the check to obtain membership. Please go to the USA Swimming website at for more details and to initiate your check. USA Swimming has provided an Overview of the program and a Frequently Asked Questions.