Middle Atlantic Swimming® Officials Dress Code
The Dress Code for Officials at all Middle Atlantic Swimming® meets is:
White Shirt
- White (solid color) collared shirt, blouse, or top.
- May be either knit (pullover) or woven (buttoned).
- Shirts with LSC or Meet logo are appropriate, including a knit shirt with the Middle Atlantic Swimming® logo and/or official's name.
- Shirts may NOT have Swim Club logos or other Club identification; white shirts with other logos (i.e. a golf club) may be worn if the logo is not excessive.
- Shirts must either be tucked in or, if worn as a blouse they may extend to the hip line.
- Sweatshirts, t-shirts, or other casual or athletic attire are not acceptable
- Striped "official's" shirts are not appropriate.
- Shirts should not have any striping or piping.
Navy blue (dark) trousers, slacks, skirts, skorts, or dress shorts.
- Shorts are not appropriate for Finals sessions of indoor Prelims/Finals meets.
- Light blue (or a washed-out blue), grey, or other colors are not acceptable.
- Apparel should not have any striping or piping down the side.
- Cargo pants/shorts are not acceptable.
Predominantly white shoes, sneakers with white socks.
- Sandals, flip-flops, loafers, water shoes, crocs, or bare feet are not acceptable, except where deemed so by the Referee for safety reasons.
This dress code applies for all sessions of meets where you are serving as a Middle Atlantic official (i.e. Sanctioned, Approved, Observed), and including Prelims/Finals meets. The code applies to senior, age-group, mini-meets, intra-squad meets and invitational meets. All officials working at a session, including Referees, Admin Refs, Starters, Chief Judges, Stroke & Turn Judges, and Administrative Officials must follow the dress code. New officials, not yet certified, should follow the same dress code when working on-deck apprentice training with other officials.
- At certain meets, special attire may be acceptable when approved by the Meet Referee - e.g., Hawaiian shirts on a designed night of Finals. Check the meet information and/or the Meet Referee for specific information.
- Officials at Open Water meets may have a different dress code, established at those meets, depending on the specific circumstances of the meet.
- Officials at Sectional, Zone, or National level meets may be expected (or required) to wear different attire when officiating at those meets. Such attire will be specified by the Meet Referee and communicated to officials who have applied to such meets or via the meet information.
Other dress code related items:
- To order official's shirts with the MASI logo, head over to the Kampus Klothes Site
- Officials not properly attired may be assigned by the Referee to perform non-deck duties, as appropriate.
- Recommended Whistle (Referee): Acme Thunderer 60