Signing Your Swimmers Up for Meets

It is important that every swimmer indicate their intentions to attend or not attend our swim meets.  We use this web site's TeamUnify system to track this.  Swimmers or their parents can indicate the events they prefer to be entered in and leave us a note about any special conditions (arriving late, leaving early, etc) for every dual meet and the Championship meets.

In order to run our meets quickly and efficiently, it is important that you let us know your intentions for every meet, especially if you do not plan to attend.  The coaches and your teammates will appreciate knowing who will be there for relays and that there will be a minimum of empty lanes.

Once you have signed into your account on the web site, click on the "Swim Meets & Events" tab above.  You should see a listing of our meets - pick the meet you wish to update and click on the "Attend/Decline" button (note that this button will change to "Edit Commitment" if you have already completed the process but wish to make a change).  You will be brought to a webpage on our team web site that will allow you to commit or not commit your child to the meet. If you have more than one child swimming you will see them listed on this page.

If one or more of your swimmers ARE NOT GOING, click on the names of the swimmer that will not be attending (they default to Not Committed).

  • Then click on the Signup Record pull-down and select No   
  • If No, just click on the [Save Changes] button to save the changes   
  • If you have more than one child, repeat the same task as listed above

If one or more of your swimmers ARE GOING:

  • Click on the Signup Record pull-down and select Yes   
  • Once yes is selected, you will see the events your child MAY be eligible to swim   
  • You will also see the best times inserted into the Entry Time field and highlighted in yellow
  • Check the Checkbox to the left of the name for those events you would like to swim
  • Once you have finished, click on the [Save Changes] button in the lower right   
  • Repeat the process for additional swimmers   
  • You will notice that Coach Approval column will indicate "Pending" after  you submit   

Please pay careful attention to the Maximum Event Entry Limitations. Click on the "Maximum Event Entry Limitations »View" link if present to check on the limit. You may also add any notes that you want the Coach or Administrator to see (such as arriving late or leaving early) at this time.

Your coach or team administrator will review your declaration and APPROVE, MODIFY or REJECT your request and, once they submit the final choices, you will be able to review your swimmer's entries by signing in and clicking on the Attend This Event button for any events listed on our team website. Look at the Coach Approval column for the events that you have been confirmed to swim.