Parent Volunteers

The running of the team and its activities are accomplished through the coaching staff and SEVERAL PARENT VOLUNTEERS.  Parents are expected to do their fair share of the various jobs required to make our team function smoothly.

We are required by league rules to provide workers at ALL meets - dual and championships.  The dual meets require between 30 and 40 workers and we need each family to volunteer to help out at least three (3) times during the dual meet season.  At Championships, we have been assigned as many as 60 “shifts” of work to fulfill and we need every family to volunteer for at least one of these shifts.  To make it easy for you to volunteer to work the meets, we have an online form and the schedule of workers on our web site; please go there and sign up as soon as you know what meets you would like to work.  The Championship meet's form and schedule is usually not available until July.

In addition, we need parents to help with other chores like handing out things at practices, arranging and setting up the banquet, assisting with the fundraisers and many other things that come up.  If you are unable to volunteer for at least four dual meets, please consider taking on one of these other responsibilities to meet your volunteer requirement.

Our team web site now allows us not only to let you to volunteer online, but to also track our volunteers and the time they work.  As a result, we require every family volunteer for at least ten (10) hours during the season including one (1) “job” at Championships.  The average “shift” at a swim meet is two and a half hours so you should be able to meet the goal by working at three dual meets and one shift at the Championship meets.  If you are unable to work at the meets, time will also be tracked for helping with the Spaghetti Dinner, Banquet, Swim-Along and other chores or projects that may come up. Please try to do your fair share this season in helping our team have a fun and successful season.

Please try to do your fair share this season in helping our team have a fun and successful season.